Highlight #17 "Romans 6:6 - Is or Was?"
Small Words in Modern Bibles DO Change Sound Doctrine
21:29 minutes
Small Words in Modern Bibles DO Change Sound Doctrine
21:29 minutes
Highlight #18 "The Left Up Close"
19:28 minutes
19:28 minutes
These are the people who not only Hate Paul and Hate the KJB, these will be the people during the Tribulation that will behead those who stand up for the Risen Jesus and for the word of God. How do I know that? Because they are inching towards doing that to us KJB Paul following people already today. They hate Paul, the KJB, rightly dividing, our doctrine of the gospel of the uncircumcision and Paul's greater commission, etc. AND they hate us as well, no matter how much they deny it, they will not even listen or even consider.
How about you? Are you part of the 'Left,' too?
In this short (20 minute) Highlight Presentation #18, we look at the facts of today's modern Christianity. You know... the ones who meet in the local church every Sunday - or Saturday - or in homes, etc. but still reject the KJB and Paul's gospel of the uncircumcision today. These are the facts - EACH and everyone has scripture to backup that statement of truth. See how many Scriptures you can remember as you hear the 'fact' or contact me and I will send you the scriptures.
And... now that the election is over and the perverts are shoved away from the limelight, now we can keep our eyes on the Religious Left as they grow in number and popularity as they prepare for the Prophet to introduce the antichrist - and of course, they will now take over the media - just watch! We will be hearing more and more about 'Jesus' and 'God' but of course, without the truth of the RISEN SAVIOUR, the King James 1611 Bible and of course, Paul and his gospel of the uncircumcision.
Be prepared - and don't fall for it. Things are NOT getting better after election! Things are just getting that much 'closer' to the end, or the beginning, depending on how you look at it! :-)
How about you? Are you part of the 'Left,' too?
In this short (20 minute) Highlight Presentation #18, we look at the facts of today's modern Christianity. You know... the ones who meet in the local church every Sunday - or Saturday - or in homes, etc. but still reject the KJB and Paul's gospel of the uncircumcision today. These are the facts - EACH and everyone has scripture to backup that statement of truth. See how many Scriptures you can remember as you hear the 'fact' or contact me and I will send you the scriptures.
And... now that the election is over and the perverts are shoved away from the limelight, now we can keep our eyes on the Religious Left as they grow in number and popularity as they prepare for the Prophet to introduce the antichrist - and of course, they will now take over the media - just watch! We will be hearing more and more about 'Jesus' and 'God' but of course, without the truth of the RISEN SAVIOUR, the King James 1611 Bible and of course, Paul and his gospel of the uncircumcision.
Be prepared - and don't fall for it. Things are NOT getting better after election! Things are just getting that much 'closer' to the end, or the beginning, depending on how you look at it! :-)
Highlight #19 "What is 'The Bible'"
19:57 minutes
19:57 minutes
When Pastors, etc. mention 'the Bible,' what exactly are they talking about?
They don't mean the KJB, that's for sure!
They don't mean the KJB, that's for sure!
Highlight #20 "LAWYERS"
11:26 minutes
11:26 minutes
Highlight 21 "ENVY"...
...is Why People HATE
16:35 minutes
...is Why People HATE
16:35 minutes