These are short (one to two slide) presentations defining and/or explaining one word, one phrase, one verse, one observation, or even one question, all of recent importance and as spoken/answered as found ONLY in the gospel of the uncircumcision which was committed unto the apostle Paul ONLY.
'Scroll down for the entire list of potential Highlights; if they are in bold red, they are completed and uploaded to this website AND in my channel on YouTube called "Retired Music Educator." However, you can also see a few 'extras topics' I may decide to complete and upload at any time... Some things just need to be said ASAP, if you know what I mean!
Coming topics to be chosen from this list: "rapture - Cutting off of the Gentiles;" "Damascus;" The 'Bible?" "Ruckman's Disastrous Deception;" Brainwashed Christians;' "How to Die with Comfort;" "Sin, Sinning and Sinners;" "Gain and Godliness;"
"Wind of Doctrine;" The Judeo-Christian Lie;" "Melody or Music?" "Peter's Gospel;" "Ten Commandments vs Paul's Commandments;" "John 14 vs I Cor 13:8-10;" "New;" True Forgiveness with Understanding;" "Church;" "Worship;" "Quicken vs Born Again;" "Scripture;" "Rapture;" "Damascus;" "Ruckmanism - an Independent Bible Babblist;" "The 'Bible;'" "Convince;" "What Killed-off America?;" "Social Media - Man's Wisdom of Words;" "Prophecy or Prophesy;" "Scrawny Satan"; "Brainwashing of Modern Christians"; "In His Name?"; and more... See the uploaded complete list below.
Coming topics to be chosen from this list: "rapture - Cutting off of the Gentiles;" "Damascus;" The 'Bible?" "Ruckman's Disastrous Deception;" Brainwashed Christians;' "How to Die with Comfort;" "Sin, Sinning and Sinners;" "Gain and Godliness;"
"Wind of Doctrine;" The Judeo-Christian Lie;" "Melody or Music?" "Peter's Gospel;" "Ten Commandments vs Paul's Commandments;" "John 14 vs I Cor 13:8-10;" "New;" True Forgiveness with Understanding;" "Church;" "Worship;" "Quicken vs Born Again;" "Scripture;" "Rapture;" "Damascus;" "Ruckmanism - an Independent Bible Babblist;" "The 'Bible;'" "Convince;" "What Killed-off America?;" "Social Media - Man's Wisdom of Words;" "Prophecy or Prophesy;" "Scrawny Satan"; "Brainwashing of Modern Christians"; "In His Name?"; and more... See the uploaded complete list below.
Red bold underlined links are 'uploaded.' Click on the link and it will take you to the page with the presentation.
Highlights of Paul's Gospel begun 9/28/2024
Highlight #1 - "Who is M Paulson?" 15:35 minutes
Highlight #2 - What is "Paul's Gospel?" 22:34 minutes
Highlight #3 - What does it mean Paul teaches the "crucified Christ?" 15:56 minutes
Highlight #4 - What are the dangers of "man's wisdom of words?" 19:04 minutes
Highlight $5 - What does it mean, "of none effect"? 29:41 minutes
Highlight #6 - What does the word "perfect" refer to? 21:53 minutes
Highlight #7 - The word is 'convince,' not convict. 20:36 minutes
Highlight #8 - "Wind of Doctrine" 25:41 minutes
Highlight #9 - "Sin and Sinning" 18:07 minutes
Highlight #10 - "Judgment Seat of Christ. 28:21 minutes
Highlight #11a - "White Throne Judgment" - Description 18:30 minutes
Highlight #11b - "White Throne Judgment" - For Whom? 26:46 minutes
Highlight #12 - "Ten Commandments Today" 20:27 minutes
Highlight #13 - "Paul's Prayers I" (summaries) 10:00 minutes
Highlight #14 - "Paul's Prayers II (Scriptures!) 10:05 minutes
Highlight #15 - "Who is That Man That Made the Earth to Tremble" - Satan I 14:53 minutes
Highlight #16 - "Who is That Man That Made the Earth to Tremble" Satan II Devices of... 21:51 minutes
Highlight #17 - "Is" or 'Was'? How small words in Modern Bibles affect Sound Doctrine - Romans 6:6... 21:29 minutes
Highlight #18 - "The Left Up Close" - We look at Christianity today - the standard one you hear about. 19:28 minutes
Highlight #19 - What Do Pastors Mean When They Say, "The Bible?" 19:57 minutes
Highlight #20 - "Lawyers" 11:26 minutes
Highlight #21 - "Envy" 16:35 minutes
Highlight #22 - "Unity I" 17:26 minutes
Highlight #23 - "Toorfor" - To and For with the KJB but emphasizing To and For for today's "Christianity" 22:40 minutes
Highlight #24 - Shroud of Turin The Shroud is a fake if you simply check the Scriptures! 7:51 minutes
Highlight #25 - "Unity II" - We look at the benefits and objectives to God's design of true unity. 20:31 minutes
(I survived a major computer death dive and crash - with no survivors!)
Highlight #26 - "Unity III" - How to Spot Evil Pastors Today 29:00 minutes
Highlight #2 - What is "Paul's Gospel?" 22:34 minutes
Highlight #3 - What does it mean Paul teaches the "crucified Christ?" 15:56 minutes
Highlight #4 - What are the dangers of "man's wisdom of words?" 19:04 minutes
Highlight $5 - What does it mean, "of none effect"? 29:41 minutes
Highlight #6 - What does the word "perfect" refer to? 21:53 minutes
Highlight #7 - The word is 'convince,' not convict. 20:36 minutes
Highlight #8 - "Wind of Doctrine" 25:41 minutes
Highlight #9 - "Sin and Sinning" 18:07 minutes
Highlight #10 - "Judgment Seat of Christ. 28:21 minutes
Highlight #11a - "White Throne Judgment" - Description 18:30 minutes
Highlight #11b - "White Throne Judgment" - For Whom? 26:46 minutes
Highlight #12 - "Ten Commandments Today" 20:27 minutes
Highlight #13 - "Paul's Prayers I" (summaries) 10:00 minutes
Highlight #14 - "Paul's Prayers II (Scriptures!) 10:05 minutes
Highlight #15 - "Who is That Man That Made the Earth to Tremble" - Satan I 14:53 minutes
Highlight #16 - "Who is That Man That Made the Earth to Tremble" Satan II Devices of... 21:51 minutes
Highlight #17 - "Is" or 'Was'? How small words in Modern Bibles affect Sound Doctrine - Romans 6:6... 21:29 minutes
Highlight #18 - "The Left Up Close" - We look at Christianity today - the standard one you hear about. 19:28 minutes
Highlight #19 - What Do Pastors Mean When They Say, "The Bible?" 19:57 minutes
Highlight #20 - "Lawyers" 11:26 minutes
Highlight #21 - "Envy" 16:35 minutes
Highlight #22 - "Unity I" 17:26 minutes
Highlight #23 - "Toorfor" - To and For with the KJB but emphasizing To and For for today's "Christianity" 22:40 minutes
Highlight #24 - Shroud of Turin The Shroud is a fake if you simply check the Scriptures! 7:51 minutes
Highlight #25 - "Unity II" - We look at the benefits and objectives to God's design of true unity. 20:31 minutes
(I survived a major computer death dive and crash - with no survivors!)
Highlight #26 - "Unity III" - How to Spot Evil Pastors Today 29:00 minutes