I have listed below some questions that I have collected as I hear ya'll preach to your congregations. Just for the record, too - I am not trying to cause division, create controversy, be aggressive or unfair. These are not tricky questions nor are they complicated. Just open up your Bible communicate to me your answers, please. I do believe these questions can all have scriptural answers. If you can not answer them, call me and I will be happy to show to you what the scriptures say them to be. Remember, all I want are scripture references that I can check in my own bible as I completely believe that I am to be able to study the word of truth myself.
1. You say to your people that Christ does his ‘work’ and ‘moves’ in ya'll? How does that happen? Do you have no choice in any matter? Do you go by feelings? Do you go by physical & financial blessings? Maybe those bad things in your life are there to ‘teach you a lesson”? Maybe your people aren’t living an obedient life, so they need your invitation at the end of your guilt-ridden sermon to get the people to respond… every week?
2. Why do you allow your musicians to be presented as ‘stars’ complete with stage lights, special orchestrated backup music all followed by congregational applause. How can a musician’s flesh not be affected by that public praise and flattery!
3. What does the hymn “Now I Belong to Jesus” really mean scripturally? In other words, can you show me some 'bible verses' that explain what that really means?
4. When we all believe that Christ died and rose again and is now OFF the cross, why do you sing and emphasize “At the Cross” when we are supposed to live ‘beyond the cross’?
5. You keep quoting the Greek originals – yet there are none available. Do you have a copy that you study? If so, may I have one... but I also know you do NOT have one! And besides that, how do you know what the original Greek says? Do you follow Wescott and Hort’s writings? If you do look to Greek references in some book – which Greek variations do you follow?
Honestly, I think you just like to sound scholarly, don’t you! Your people do NOT know Greek nor do they ‘have’ the original Greek, so you become their ‘pope’ and leader to them, right?
6. Do us common people really need to know the Greek and Hebrew languages to truly understand God in our daily lives or can you do it for them? After all, you must believe God gives you his words because you must believe that nobody else can have the ‘scriptures’ for them to study for themselves? O wait, the KJB is the only bible that tells readers to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. So, because you don’t use a KJB, you can do the ‘studying’ for them! Right?
7. Do you not realize that when John saw and wrote the Book of Revelation, it was before Paul came onto the scene? Do you know how and why all the 66 books fit into the present order in the Bible? The Bible is not in chronological order - everyone knows that. But did you know the KJB is in dispensational order? Do you know what that means?
8. Paul wrote Hebrews when he preached to the Jews in Acts 9:20. How important is that fact to us Gentiles today? Do you preach anything TO your people from Hebrews other than future awareness for the Tribulation saints, which is the intent today for Hebrews? Shame on you – that was spoken to the Jews, NOT to the Gentiles.
9. Did you know that Paul’s message of salvation to the Jews in Acts 9:20 is different than he taught to the Gentiles (us) today?
10. Pastor, you preach that we “…have a responsibility to ‘share’ what we have seen and heard… after all, look at what John saw!” OK pastor, then do you also consider what Paul saw! And I also have ‘seen’ the Scriptures come alive through the Risen Saviour’s teachings. May I SHARE with you? But, you say emphatically, NO! You reject it and won’t even listen to me ‘share’ and you have taught your people to do the same! Shame on you preacher! You really do NOT mean what you preach, do you!
11. Pastor, you say the world sees it all wrong. Well, according to the Scriptures, the local churches today see it all wrong in:
a) so-called worship / music;
b) in ‘tithes & offerings;
c) in bibles;
d) in the church commission;
e) in purpose and design; in ‘bringing people to Jesus then starving the saved every Sunday with your same-ole weekly salvation message and guilt ridden sermons followed by your manipulated invitations (IF you have even truly brought anyone to the risen Christ, that is – and I declare that you have not!)
12. Do you think something ‘different’ can still be the ‘same’? Can all these bibles and church denominations be of God? Can over 400+ ‘bibles’ that say things differently be the same words / word of God?
13. ‘Beyond the Cross’ means:
a) Paul’s Greater Commission - See Acts 13:47
b) Paul as ONLY apostle; Galatians 1:6-12
c) check out my contrasts page and see the huge doctrinal differences with gospel's doctrine from Jesus to the Jews versus Paul’s doctrine from the Risen Christ to the Gentiles. Why are you preachers and people so hung up on going to and staying “at the foot of the cross”?
14. Pastor, you said, “_______wasn’t just given this job, he truly earned it!” But I thought you say that God gives people these jobs – that God gave it to him, etc. You don’t see the conflict in what you just said? No wonder teens think ya’ll are nuts with a false religion… because you are – and the kids know it. That is why you think you must bring in rock music and pizza… the kids won’t listen to you! A kid knows a liar when they hear one!
15. KJB is truly the modern day ‘SMART BIBLE”. Too bad pastors and people are too dumb and numb to realize just how smart the simple KJB can make the readers – at any age – IF they can comprehend what they read, that is. No wonder the NEA has done all it can to keep kids from learning to read in the public schools! The KJB used to be listed at a 5th grade reading level for comprehension.
16. People love these song lyrics – “You are my life! My Strength! You are the Strength of My Life”, etc. Ok, but how so? Tell me how Christ is your strength? How do seek and find the strength of the risen Saviour? Where do you find Christ’s strength for your life?
17. God blesses the USA! Really? How so? Look around – do you see God blessing America? Do you see your prayers and chain prayers being answered concerning this country? And if not, who do you put the blame? Aren’t people praying all across America?
18. If America was really a Christian country from the start, how would you describe what you think made America an actual Christian nation?
19. Pastor, you tell people to pray for people that God would ‘change their heart’! How does that happen? What do you think God has to do to people to change their heart? Do you see it happening anywhere? Do you know how God works on people? In fact, do you think God even does work on people? What would you say if I said God does NOT work the hearts of the lost except through a KJB… anything else is Satan working on people to win them to HIM, not to Christ! What do you think about that? I can prove that the scriptures teach that very thing, but you don’t care, do you! If you were to stop your guilt sermons, you would lose your personal control of your congregation, wouldn’t you! Listen, I know – I have been there and done that, too. But I gave that up so I could teach and preach the goodness of God from Paul in a KJB during this dispensation of the grace of God!
20. Pastor, you say, “God has ways to get our attention and then can be painful! He makes us suffer in order to get us to turn to Him!” What kind of God would make bad and painful things happen in your life to conform you to Him? Is that the lesson for parents to follow? Isn't that an OT, Gospels scripture that teaches you that 'severity' stuff or did the Risen Christ teach that to Paul / us?
21. Those bad things that you say God will put on disobedient / lost people today, do you know what dispensation that actually worked and will work in the near future?
22. By the way, what do you mean “Conform to Christ”? Are we supposed to ‘Conform to Christ’? Do you mean we are to be LIKE Christ? … in other words, you say we are to be like Christ – Christ-like? Isn’t that just like the devil is doing and will become the antichrist who will be like Christ but be the real Christ. Do you not see that? Read Isaiah 14:12-17. (KJB, of course) Are you aware that ALL the new bibles today say we are to ‘imitate’ God, Jesus, the apostles, Paul and even imitate you as their pastor? Do you really think can do that? Do you even want to do that? Do you, as a pastor deserve that kind of following? Well, I do believe you do have that controlling desire, actually… but does your own congregation know the real you? The risen Christ does – and so does the KJB. It has you nailed from head to toe – inside and outside.
23. Do you think people are correct when they say to me, “Don’t get so angry at the pastors that don’t teach the truth from the Risen Saviour. Just pick the good things out of their sermons and ignore what’s wrong.” WRONG! Honestly, the risen Christ tells us that we are supposed to ‘despise’ that false religion! We are supposed to ‘withdraw’ from them – not listen to them. We are to reject them – in other words, don’t listen to them on the radio, etc. … but if you do hear them, go ahead and let that spirit be pressed as was Paul’s. Let that ‘attitude’ develop into what it is supposed to be. They are evil seducing men. They are deceived AND deceiving. According to the ‘scriptures,’ they are proud and know nothing! They dote about questions and strifes, railings and evil surmisings. They are men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth! They suppose that gain is godliness when truthfully and according to the scriptures in I Timothy 6, godliness with contentment is great gain. How do you pick anything good from that crowd of deceiving preachers, anyway?
If someone spits into your water glass, can you just drink the clean part of the water and let the spit float on the top? Would you even consider doing that little object lesson for your people?
24. How would you define and describe true godliness today? True godliness is based on Paul’s teachings, NOT the 12 apostles. Our judgment seat will be based on Paul’s teachings, not those twelve! Do you know the scripture reference for that statement, or do you err not knowing the scriptures…?
25. Can you accept the scriptural truth that the devil would bless you with ‘good blessings’ just so he could keep you from the truth by giving you a ‘feel good’ (flesh) religion based on the riches that he gives to you? I hope you realize that he has done that since Christ died, does that today and will continue until you wise up with Paul and a KJB!
26. I have noticed that ladies desire religion, remembering, of course, that it was Eve that was deceived. It is the man that know the church isn’t right about something… he just doesn’t know what it is so he attends just to make his wife happy.
Don’t you wonder why the women are the most active ones in your church? The man’s wife certainly isn’t going to let him find out the truth and ruin her religious experience. However, while it is the woman being deceived, it is still the man who is responsible. When a man gets a hold of a rightly divided KJB, however, he suddenly perks up – but his religious wife (and pastor) will keep him back – or leave him! I have seen that happen many times – MANY times.
27. A Red Tanager is a red bird that looks almost like a real Cardinal… but it isn’t a real Cardinal! Churches are full of Tanagers instead of Cardinals. Hmmm, I think I see a sermon there!
28. Pastor, you sing, “It Is Well”. In what do you base that conclusion:
a) confession of your sins for forgiveness daily;
b) your daily walk of your own righteousness;
c) your personal godliness;
d) your good works towards others;
e) your financial giving;
f) all the physical blessings in your life – job, finances, position, etc. Maybe things aren’t really ‘well’ after all, eh!
29. Pastor, you mentioned ‘When He first loved me.” Then you say, “He died for me!” Then you top it off with “When He was on the cross, He was thinking of me.” Can you give me the scriptures that say it that way? Was it really ‘for me’? You? Does God really love everyone today? I would suggest you read John 3:16 in a KJB and read it slowly – meditating on each word and detailed spelling and grammar. You might be surprised at what God will show you!
30. To you, pastor, as well as to your SS teachers and parents: Why do you think you need to be leading little children to a ‘profession of salvation’ in Bible clubs and SS when they have no clue about sin or salvation – are they even lost as a child? If so, then if a child dies, does he still go to Hell? – You scare them with the severity of God instead of showing them the goodness of God, as the risen Saviour taught to us. I believe, without a doubt, it leads them:
a) to a false religious list of denominational ecumenical churches;
b) to the antichrist instead of the real risen Christ;
c) to being a soldier in the devil’s army instead of returning with the risen Christ;
d) to confusion in modern bibles;
e) to the power of music instead of the power of God as stated in the rightly divided Scriptures. It certainly leads them out of the ‘church’ when they get older and eventually realize it is all bogus based on fear and guilt. It also means the poor kid will grow up constantly hearing nothing but salvation sermons while starving the congregation now that ‘they belong to Jesus,’ rock music, no final authority in any bible, etc.
However, if they actually do stay with the church denominational program because they themselves become deceived, they will find out some day they are part of Satan’s army and will be fighting against the very ‘Saviour’ they thought they were part of!
All that just so child is pushed for salvation to save them from the severity of God! Then after the child claims being a child of God, the parents take over and demand perfect obedience to their children or then they receive the severity of the parents – all putting the guidance and following on God, thus the children learn to hate God. Whew – what a thing, eh! They should be taught the goodness of God, NOT the severity of God! I have seen it all happen over the years – over and over again! See Romans 11:22!
Of course Jesus wants to know the children - but it is the RISEN JESUS CHRIST and His teachings to Paul that you should be teaching the children! How can you deny your kids the marvelous teachings of the risen Christ?
31. Pastor, you say God answers prayer but only IF they live an obedient life as illustrated in I Kings 8:22-53? What an awful source text for a sermon today... unless it is for a pastoral guilt trip sermon! You are preaching the severity of God as taught to the Jews, NOT the goodness of God, which is supposed to be taught to the Gentiles today. Get it straight. Read Ephesians 3 – and Romans 11:22 for starters and leave the OT Gospel law (Beatitudes, Commandments, etc.) for the ‘saints’ during the Tribulation!
32. Pastor, you say, “Go to the woods or down to the river and get alone with God and don’t get up until you hear from God?” What do tell them to wait for? How will they know when they hear from God? And if they do ‘hear’ something, how will they know if it is from God or not? What a bogus thing to say.
You actually CAN get alone with God but only by doing your KJB rightly dividing reading on a daily basis – you will hear from God as you read your Bible – God’s words from God’s Word will answer your prayer – just keep reading but make sure you know what is TO you versus what is FOR you. (And it won’t be ‘yes, no or later,’ as you preach your severity of God sermon from the OT to your lost congregation!)
You preachers / pastors are so seducingly wicked. You are deceived and you are deceiving your people as you continue with your own deception with your false scholarship and devil’s bibles – IF you even use a bible anymore! A person simply prays to God without ceasing and listens to God as he reads His inspired, inerrant, perfect and PRESERVED words in the KJB!
33. Pastor, you said to your congregation to “Stand in Honor of God’s Word as we read …!” You are showing that you are a hypocrite - a first class liar to say something like that. I know you do not believe any bible is God’s word. You believe God’s word is only the original Greek and because the originals do not exist on this planet anywhere, God has told YOU what the truth is through your own scholarship.
In other words, you are actually asking the people to stand in honor of YOU because only YOU know what God’s Word is! You keep saying ‘God’s Word’ in your sermons… and then you hold up your bible… but you are lying – and you know it.
I have talked with pastors like you many times – admit it. Stop holding up your Bible and calling it God’s word. You don’t believe it. You can call it Biblical Consistency if you want, but if 500+ bibles say things differently, they can’t all be God’s Word / words. Don’t you also wonder they ALL compare themselves to the KJB?
34. Pastor, you tell your people to pray like Solomon. How about telling your people to look to Paul’s prayers if you want to know how to pray for someone? Do you even know what Paul prays? Do you know where Paul’s prayers are located? I also hope you don’t mean for people to ‘repeat’ those prayers over and over.
35. Pastor, you talk about the ‘miracle of birth.’ Do you also mention that the birth process today is still part of the curse given to Eve – women, etc. It seems that people try to ignore that we are STILL living in a cursed world. Just because you ‘call yourself’ a Christian – or even if you truly are a Christian, God doesn’t take that curse away from you during your daily life. All of what comes with the curse could happen to you any day no matter how obedient you are, no matter how you spend your riches in those good ways, no matter how much you pray or give, no matter how good a ‘Christian’ you are, etc.
You can say you are SET free all you want, but I am here to tell you, you are NOT SET FREE from the curse! According to the Scriptures, Christ MAKES you free, but you are still living in a cursed world! Get a King James Bible people, and start rejoicing at the real goodness of God and let go of all that severity of God that your pastor preaches and teaches!
The severity of God is non-existent during this dispensation of the grace of God. The severity of God existed during the OT, which includes the Gospels and returns during the tribulation. That is actually what your pastor is preparing you for, by the way! P.S. Do you know we are NOT made in God’s image anymore. Read Genesis 5:3. (KJB, of course)
36. Pastor, you tell your people to ask God to accomplish His work in them, then you tell them that God is not able to accomplish His work in them because their ‘heart is not right with God.' Why? Then you sing the ‘Get Your Heart Right With God” and kick in the power of music to make your people feel horrible – thus the manipulative need for that invitation at the end of the service.
That all is the modern pastoral guilt-trip that drives people away from the goodness of God. You are teaching OT doctrine Paul calls the severity of God – not anything from the Risen Christ. And you wonder why your church is not full of excited and joyful Christians (unless they have a lot of money to be active contributors and thus be able to reject your guilt trips!)
37. Pastor, one final question! Why do you believe that Christ died and rose again but yet you reject the very teachings from the risen Saviour as given to Paul ONLY and stick to the teachings that Jesus said Himself in the gospels was ONLY to be spoken to the Jews before He died on the cross? I really would like to hear you or any pastor at least answer that one question. So far in all my experiences with pastors, etc. all it does is make them change the subject, get angry, shut down or even get up and walk away leaving me with the tab for the lunch!
You may respond to these in any manner you would like – or you can do like most pastors I have contacted and just ignore these questions because the only answer you can come up with is your personal rejection of the questions.
I am not trying to create controversy or be aggressive or unfair. These are not tricky nor are they complicated. Just open up your Bible – any Bible, although the KJB is the only Bible you will find the actual answers and find these answers! If you can not answer them, call me and I will be happy to show them to you. Remember, they are only found in a King James Bible. Do you want me to bring you one?
2. Why do you allow your musicians to be presented as ‘stars’ complete with stage lights, special orchestrated backup music all followed by congregational applause. How can a musician’s flesh not be affected by that public praise and flattery!
3. What does the hymn “Now I Belong to Jesus” really mean scripturally? In other words, can you show me some 'bible verses' that explain what that really means?
4. When we all believe that Christ died and rose again and is now OFF the cross, why do you sing and emphasize “At the Cross” when we are supposed to live ‘beyond the cross’?
5. You keep quoting the Greek originals – yet there are none available. Do you have a copy that you study? If so, may I have one... but I also know you do NOT have one! And besides that, how do you know what the original Greek says? Do you follow Wescott and Hort’s writings? If you do look to Greek references in some book – which Greek variations do you follow?
Honestly, I think you just like to sound scholarly, don’t you! Your people do NOT know Greek nor do they ‘have’ the original Greek, so you become their ‘pope’ and leader to them, right?
6. Do us common people really need to know the Greek and Hebrew languages to truly understand God in our daily lives or can you do it for them? After all, you must believe God gives you his words because you must believe that nobody else can have the ‘scriptures’ for them to study for themselves? O wait, the KJB is the only bible that tells readers to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. So, because you don’t use a KJB, you can do the ‘studying’ for them! Right?
7. Do you not realize that when John saw and wrote the Book of Revelation, it was before Paul came onto the scene? Do you know how and why all the 66 books fit into the present order in the Bible? The Bible is not in chronological order - everyone knows that. But did you know the KJB is in dispensational order? Do you know what that means?
8. Paul wrote Hebrews when he preached to the Jews in Acts 9:20. How important is that fact to us Gentiles today? Do you preach anything TO your people from Hebrews other than future awareness for the Tribulation saints, which is the intent today for Hebrews? Shame on you – that was spoken to the Jews, NOT to the Gentiles.
9. Did you know that Paul’s message of salvation to the Jews in Acts 9:20 is different than he taught to the Gentiles (us) today?
10. Pastor, you preach that we “…have a responsibility to ‘share’ what we have seen and heard… after all, look at what John saw!” OK pastor, then do you also consider what Paul saw! And I also have ‘seen’ the Scriptures come alive through the Risen Saviour’s teachings. May I SHARE with you? But, you say emphatically, NO! You reject it and won’t even listen to me ‘share’ and you have taught your people to do the same! Shame on you preacher! You really do NOT mean what you preach, do you!
11. Pastor, you say the world sees it all wrong. Well, according to the Scriptures, the local churches today see it all wrong in:
a) so-called worship / music;
b) in ‘tithes & offerings;
c) in bibles;
d) in the church commission;
e) in purpose and design; in ‘bringing people to Jesus then starving the saved every Sunday with your same-ole weekly salvation message and guilt ridden sermons followed by your manipulated invitations (IF you have even truly brought anyone to the risen Christ, that is – and I declare that you have not!)
12. Do you think something ‘different’ can still be the ‘same’? Can all these bibles and church denominations be of God? Can over 400+ ‘bibles’ that say things differently be the same words / word of God?
13. ‘Beyond the Cross’ means:
a) Paul’s Greater Commission - See Acts 13:47
b) Paul as ONLY apostle; Galatians 1:6-12
c) check out my contrasts page and see the huge doctrinal differences with gospel's doctrine from Jesus to the Jews versus Paul’s doctrine from the Risen Christ to the Gentiles. Why are you preachers and people so hung up on going to and staying “at the foot of the cross”?
14. Pastor, you said, “_______wasn’t just given this job, he truly earned it!” But I thought you say that God gives people these jobs – that God gave it to him, etc. You don’t see the conflict in what you just said? No wonder teens think ya’ll are nuts with a false religion… because you are – and the kids know it. That is why you think you must bring in rock music and pizza… the kids won’t listen to you! A kid knows a liar when they hear one!
15. KJB is truly the modern day ‘SMART BIBLE”. Too bad pastors and people are too dumb and numb to realize just how smart the simple KJB can make the readers – at any age – IF they can comprehend what they read, that is. No wonder the NEA has done all it can to keep kids from learning to read in the public schools! The KJB used to be listed at a 5th grade reading level for comprehension.
16. People love these song lyrics – “You are my life! My Strength! You are the Strength of My Life”, etc. Ok, but how so? Tell me how Christ is your strength? How do seek and find the strength of the risen Saviour? Where do you find Christ’s strength for your life?
17. God blesses the USA! Really? How so? Look around – do you see God blessing America? Do you see your prayers and chain prayers being answered concerning this country? And if not, who do you put the blame? Aren’t people praying all across America?
18. If America was really a Christian country from the start, how would you describe what you think made America an actual Christian nation?
19. Pastor, you tell people to pray for people that God would ‘change their heart’! How does that happen? What do you think God has to do to people to change their heart? Do you see it happening anywhere? Do you know how God works on people? In fact, do you think God even does work on people? What would you say if I said God does NOT work the hearts of the lost except through a KJB… anything else is Satan working on people to win them to HIM, not to Christ! What do you think about that? I can prove that the scriptures teach that very thing, but you don’t care, do you! If you were to stop your guilt sermons, you would lose your personal control of your congregation, wouldn’t you! Listen, I know – I have been there and done that, too. But I gave that up so I could teach and preach the goodness of God from Paul in a KJB during this dispensation of the grace of God!
20. Pastor, you say, “God has ways to get our attention and then can be painful! He makes us suffer in order to get us to turn to Him!” What kind of God would make bad and painful things happen in your life to conform you to Him? Is that the lesson for parents to follow? Isn't that an OT, Gospels scripture that teaches you that 'severity' stuff or did the Risen Christ teach that to Paul / us?
21. Those bad things that you say God will put on disobedient / lost people today, do you know what dispensation that actually worked and will work in the near future?
22. By the way, what do you mean “Conform to Christ”? Are we supposed to ‘Conform to Christ’? Do you mean we are to be LIKE Christ? … in other words, you say we are to be like Christ – Christ-like? Isn’t that just like the devil is doing and will become the antichrist who will be like Christ but be the real Christ. Do you not see that? Read Isaiah 14:12-17. (KJB, of course) Are you aware that ALL the new bibles today say we are to ‘imitate’ God, Jesus, the apostles, Paul and even imitate you as their pastor? Do you really think can do that? Do you even want to do that? Do you, as a pastor deserve that kind of following? Well, I do believe you do have that controlling desire, actually… but does your own congregation know the real you? The risen Christ does – and so does the KJB. It has you nailed from head to toe – inside and outside.
23. Do you think people are correct when they say to me, “Don’t get so angry at the pastors that don’t teach the truth from the Risen Saviour. Just pick the good things out of their sermons and ignore what’s wrong.” WRONG! Honestly, the risen Christ tells us that we are supposed to ‘despise’ that false religion! We are supposed to ‘withdraw’ from them – not listen to them. We are to reject them – in other words, don’t listen to them on the radio, etc. … but if you do hear them, go ahead and let that spirit be pressed as was Paul’s. Let that ‘attitude’ develop into what it is supposed to be. They are evil seducing men. They are deceived AND deceiving. According to the ‘scriptures,’ they are proud and know nothing! They dote about questions and strifes, railings and evil surmisings. They are men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth! They suppose that gain is godliness when truthfully and according to the scriptures in I Timothy 6, godliness with contentment is great gain. How do you pick anything good from that crowd of deceiving preachers, anyway?
If someone spits into your water glass, can you just drink the clean part of the water and let the spit float on the top? Would you even consider doing that little object lesson for your people?
24. How would you define and describe true godliness today? True godliness is based on Paul’s teachings, NOT the 12 apostles. Our judgment seat will be based on Paul’s teachings, not those twelve! Do you know the scripture reference for that statement, or do you err not knowing the scriptures…?
25. Can you accept the scriptural truth that the devil would bless you with ‘good blessings’ just so he could keep you from the truth by giving you a ‘feel good’ (flesh) religion based on the riches that he gives to you? I hope you realize that he has done that since Christ died, does that today and will continue until you wise up with Paul and a KJB!
26. I have noticed that ladies desire religion, remembering, of course, that it was Eve that was deceived. It is the man that know the church isn’t right about something… he just doesn’t know what it is so he attends just to make his wife happy.
Don’t you wonder why the women are the most active ones in your church? The man’s wife certainly isn’t going to let him find out the truth and ruin her religious experience. However, while it is the woman being deceived, it is still the man who is responsible. When a man gets a hold of a rightly divided KJB, however, he suddenly perks up – but his religious wife (and pastor) will keep him back – or leave him! I have seen that happen many times – MANY times.
27. A Red Tanager is a red bird that looks almost like a real Cardinal… but it isn’t a real Cardinal! Churches are full of Tanagers instead of Cardinals. Hmmm, I think I see a sermon there!
28. Pastor, you sing, “It Is Well”. In what do you base that conclusion:
a) confession of your sins for forgiveness daily;
b) your daily walk of your own righteousness;
c) your personal godliness;
d) your good works towards others;
e) your financial giving;
f) all the physical blessings in your life – job, finances, position, etc. Maybe things aren’t really ‘well’ after all, eh!
29. Pastor, you mentioned ‘When He first loved me.” Then you say, “He died for me!” Then you top it off with “When He was on the cross, He was thinking of me.” Can you give me the scriptures that say it that way? Was it really ‘for me’? You? Does God really love everyone today? I would suggest you read John 3:16 in a KJB and read it slowly – meditating on each word and detailed spelling and grammar. You might be surprised at what God will show you!
30. To you, pastor, as well as to your SS teachers and parents: Why do you think you need to be leading little children to a ‘profession of salvation’ in Bible clubs and SS when they have no clue about sin or salvation – are they even lost as a child? If so, then if a child dies, does he still go to Hell? – You scare them with the severity of God instead of showing them the goodness of God, as the risen Saviour taught to us. I believe, without a doubt, it leads them:
a) to a false religious list of denominational ecumenical churches;
b) to the antichrist instead of the real risen Christ;
c) to being a soldier in the devil’s army instead of returning with the risen Christ;
d) to confusion in modern bibles;
e) to the power of music instead of the power of God as stated in the rightly divided Scriptures. It certainly leads them out of the ‘church’ when they get older and eventually realize it is all bogus based on fear and guilt. It also means the poor kid will grow up constantly hearing nothing but salvation sermons while starving the congregation now that ‘they belong to Jesus,’ rock music, no final authority in any bible, etc.
However, if they actually do stay with the church denominational program because they themselves become deceived, they will find out some day they are part of Satan’s army and will be fighting against the very ‘Saviour’ they thought they were part of!
All that just so child is pushed for salvation to save them from the severity of God! Then after the child claims being a child of God, the parents take over and demand perfect obedience to their children or then they receive the severity of the parents – all putting the guidance and following on God, thus the children learn to hate God. Whew – what a thing, eh! They should be taught the goodness of God, NOT the severity of God! I have seen it all happen over the years – over and over again! See Romans 11:22!
Of course Jesus wants to know the children - but it is the RISEN JESUS CHRIST and His teachings to Paul that you should be teaching the children! How can you deny your kids the marvelous teachings of the risen Christ?
31. Pastor, you say God answers prayer but only IF they live an obedient life as illustrated in I Kings 8:22-53? What an awful source text for a sermon today... unless it is for a pastoral guilt trip sermon! You are preaching the severity of God as taught to the Jews, NOT the goodness of God, which is supposed to be taught to the Gentiles today. Get it straight. Read Ephesians 3 – and Romans 11:22 for starters and leave the OT Gospel law (Beatitudes, Commandments, etc.) for the ‘saints’ during the Tribulation!
32. Pastor, you say, “Go to the woods or down to the river and get alone with God and don’t get up until you hear from God?” What do tell them to wait for? How will they know when they hear from God? And if they do ‘hear’ something, how will they know if it is from God or not? What a bogus thing to say.
You actually CAN get alone with God but only by doing your KJB rightly dividing reading on a daily basis – you will hear from God as you read your Bible – God’s words from God’s Word will answer your prayer – just keep reading but make sure you know what is TO you versus what is FOR you. (And it won’t be ‘yes, no or later,’ as you preach your severity of God sermon from the OT to your lost congregation!)
You preachers / pastors are so seducingly wicked. You are deceived and you are deceiving your people as you continue with your own deception with your false scholarship and devil’s bibles – IF you even use a bible anymore! A person simply prays to God without ceasing and listens to God as he reads His inspired, inerrant, perfect and PRESERVED words in the KJB!
33. Pastor, you said to your congregation to “Stand in Honor of God’s Word as we read …!” You are showing that you are a hypocrite - a first class liar to say something like that. I know you do not believe any bible is God’s word. You believe God’s word is only the original Greek and because the originals do not exist on this planet anywhere, God has told YOU what the truth is through your own scholarship.
In other words, you are actually asking the people to stand in honor of YOU because only YOU know what God’s Word is! You keep saying ‘God’s Word’ in your sermons… and then you hold up your bible… but you are lying – and you know it.
I have talked with pastors like you many times – admit it. Stop holding up your Bible and calling it God’s word. You don’t believe it. You can call it Biblical Consistency if you want, but if 500+ bibles say things differently, they can’t all be God’s Word / words. Don’t you also wonder they ALL compare themselves to the KJB?
34. Pastor, you tell your people to pray like Solomon. How about telling your people to look to Paul’s prayers if you want to know how to pray for someone? Do you even know what Paul prays? Do you know where Paul’s prayers are located? I also hope you don’t mean for people to ‘repeat’ those prayers over and over.
35. Pastor, you talk about the ‘miracle of birth.’ Do you also mention that the birth process today is still part of the curse given to Eve – women, etc. It seems that people try to ignore that we are STILL living in a cursed world. Just because you ‘call yourself’ a Christian – or even if you truly are a Christian, God doesn’t take that curse away from you during your daily life. All of what comes with the curse could happen to you any day no matter how obedient you are, no matter how you spend your riches in those good ways, no matter how much you pray or give, no matter how good a ‘Christian’ you are, etc.
You can say you are SET free all you want, but I am here to tell you, you are NOT SET FREE from the curse! According to the Scriptures, Christ MAKES you free, but you are still living in a cursed world! Get a King James Bible people, and start rejoicing at the real goodness of God and let go of all that severity of God that your pastor preaches and teaches!
The severity of God is non-existent during this dispensation of the grace of God. The severity of God existed during the OT, which includes the Gospels and returns during the tribulation. That is actually what your pastor is preparing you for, by the way! P.S. Do you know we are NOT made in God’s image anymore. Read Genesis 5:3. (KJB, of course)
36. Pastor, you tell your people to ask God to accomplish His work in them, then you tell them that God is not able to accomplish His work in them because their ‘heart is not right with God.' Why? Then you sing the ‘Get Your Heart Right With God” and kick in the power of music to make your people feel horrible – thus the manipulative need for that invitation at the end of the service.
That all is the modern pastoral guilt-trip that drives people away from the goodness of God. You are teaching OT doctrine Paul calls the severity of God – not anything from the Risen Christ. And you wonder why your church is not full of excited and joyful Christians (unless they have a lot of money to be active contributors and thus be able to reject your guilt trips!)
37. Pastor, one final question! Why do you believe that Christ died and rose again but yet you reject the very teachings from the risen Saviour as given to Paul ONLY and stick to the teachings that Jesus said Himself in the gospels was ONLY to be spoken to the Jews before He died on the cross? I really would like to hear you or any pastor at least answer that one question. So far in all my experiences with pastors, etc. all it does is make them change the subject, get angry, shut down or even get up and walk away leaving me with the tab for the lunch!
You may respond to these in any manner you would like – or you can do like most pastors I have contacted and just ignore these questions because the only answer you can come up with is your personal rejection of the questions.
I am not trying to create controversy or be aggressive or unfair. These are not tricky nor are they complicated. Just open up your Bible – any Bible, although the KJB is the only Bible you will find the actual answers and find these answers! If you can not answer them, call me and I will be happy to show them to you. Remember, they are only found in a King James Bible. Do you want me to bring you one?
Will you accept my challenge? If so, I can go into more detail for you with the above questions, complete WITH scriptural answers and explanations.
Mikel Paulson
2 Gretchen Ln.
Bella Vista, AR
509-876-1611 [email protected]
I would be glad to visit with you anytime, anywhere.
Mikel Paulson
2 Gretchen Ln.
Bella Vista, AR
509-876-1611 [email protected]
I would be glad to visit with you anytime, anywhere.