Nothing gets my goat like driving around and seeing 'billboards' and signs on store windows, brochures, tracts, etc. that are NOT King James Bible scriptures. Folks, those words on those signs, etc. are NOT the words of the living God.
And to hear them or see them in a church service just irks me to no end.
You know that using the 'projector screen' keeps people from looking into their own bible to make sure that what the pastor is teaching is correct... it is also a way for that pastor to simply keep out the King James Bible! As scriptures were mentioned and/or flashed onto the screen, I was furiously trying to find them in my King James Bible. The words he used were wrong and I wanted to see how imortant to a false gospel his words were. But he just went to fast. People just sit there and believe what he says - without EVER checking the scriptures themselves. Well, the way the service is set up, they CANNOT check the scriptures themselves. They are not allowed to - they don't have time.
I hold the pastor directly responsible for this false doctrine push! He might be a very loving, sweet, gentle, God loving, nice family, a great friend and a nice man - but he is still wrong and should be challenged!
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Romans 16:17,18
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. II Timothy 3:13
And to hear them or see them in a church service just irks me to no end.
You know that using the 'projector screen' keeps people from looking into their own bible to make sure that what the pastor is teaching is correct... it is also a way for that pastor to simply keep out the King James Bible! As scriptures were mentioned and/or flashed onto the screen, I was furiously trying to find them in my King James Bible. The words he used were wrong and I wanted to see how imortant to a false gospel his words were. But he just went to fast. People just sit there and believe what he says - without EVER checking the scriptures themselves. Well, the way the service is set up, they CANNOT check the scriptures themselves. They are not allowed to - they don't have time.
I hold the pastor directly responsible for this false doctrine push! He might be a very loving, sweet, gentle, God loving, nice family, a great friend and a nice man - but he is still wrong and should be challenged!
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Romans 16:17,18
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. II Timothy 3:13
Here are some scripture abuse and misuse that I heard and saw that day.
- He set me free!
- There it is again - I hear this all the time. I despise this. We are MADE free... and that is a marvelous thing to understand and know. We are not set free from anything - duh, look around! From what did their Jesus set you free? No, Paul, in Romans especially tells us exactly how we were MADE free.
- There it is again - I hear this all the time. I despise this. We are MADE free... and that is a marvelous thing to understand and know. We are not set free from anything - duh, look around! From what did their Jesus set you free? No, Paul, in Romans especially tells us exactly how we were MADE free.
- 'You' verses 'thou' in Genesis 3:13
- Using the proper word keeps it simple... 'T' makes it singular, thus in this case, referring to Eve!
- Using the proper word keeps it simple... 'T' makes it singular, thus in this case, referring to Eve!
- Yours and Thou and Thine / my vs My - in Luke 22:42
- Again, the singular 'T' and the plural 'Y' grammar rule comes into play - 'you' is too generic and can be seriously misapplied, as it is done in John 3:3, which when stated in the new bibles, creates the false teaching of being 'born again' today.
- Romans 5:1
- ...not peace for yourself, as the pastor stated - we have peace with God
- Live life abundantly - but no scripture was given - just stated!
- No scripture was given nor was their one on the projector screen... John 10:10 does not say that we can live our lives abundantly in riches and material things, etc. This is where the abundant living teaching comes forward. They preach that you should live obedient to God and He will bless you physically abundantly. And if you don't live like a Christian, then that explains why you are struggling and why those things happen to you... and on and on, they go. Give abundantly and God will bless you abundantly!!!!!
- No scripture was given nor was their one on the projector screen... John 10:10 does not say that we can live our lives abundantly in riches and material things, etc. This is where the abundant living teaching comes forward. They preach that you should live obedient to God and He will bless you physically abundantly. And if you don't live like a Christian, then that explains why you are struggling and why those things happen to you... and on and on, they go. Give abundantly and God will bless you abundantly!!!!!
- Fellowship offerings? I Samuel 10:8
- burnt offerings, not 'fellowship' offerings! what are 'fellowship' offerings?
- burnt offerings, not 'fellowship' offerings! what are 'fellowship' offerings?
- 'Against' vs 'with' - I Samuel 13:5
- Ah - an opposite meaning. So, God was wrong for 400 years? it makes it look like Philistines fighting 'with' Israel means they were on the same team? No, that is the proper way of saying who the Philistines were fighting - they were fighting with Israel.
- Changing the word to 'against' doesn't help it at all - it just helps the publisher make some changes so they could get to a certain percentage so they can legally copyright their bibles now. So-called Christian publishers are the modern den of thieves that Christ turned over their tables, etc. They are a rotten bunch - serving their own belly, for sure.
- Ah - an opposite meaning. So, God was wrong for 400 years? it makes it look like Philistines fighting 'with' Israel means they were on the same team? No, that is the proper way of saying who the Philistines were fighting - they were fighting with Israel.
- Blessings of Paul - Romans 15:9
- That verse says nothing about the blessings of Paul, as he stated, but because he went so fast and didn't put the verse on the screen, it sounded fine... but he was lying!
- If he wanted to tell the truth, he would say that the blessings from the risen Christ are all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.... See Ephesians 1:3
- That verse says nothing about the blessings of Paul, as he stated, but because he went so fast and didn't put the verse on the screen, it sounded fine... but he was lying!
- Obedience sermon - used scriptures on the projection screen to prove this 'false teaching'
- I will expose this false teaching and how he taught it in a separate writing.
- I will expose this false teaching and how he taught it in a separate writing.
- I Samuel 13:14 is why we are not blessed in our lives.
- Talk about a false guilt trip. This is old testament, pastor! You can't put this onto your people!!!
- Talk about a false guilt trip. This is old testament, pastor! You can't put this onto your people!!!
- Hebrews 11:7 - see it in action in your life.
- So, we should go and build an ark? We should obey the commandments? We should walk that perfectly obedient life? Is that what you are telling us?
- If so, do you seriously have no clue as to what the risen Saviour teaches to us today? No, you do not!
- So, we should go and build an ark? We should obey the commandments? We should walk that perfectly obedient life? Is that what you are telling us?
- Deuteronomy 31 - a quick mention to keep the commandments in your life
- First of all, do you realize that in the first place, the infamous 'ten commandments' were originally given to the Israelites only and NOT to the heathen Gentiles?
- Do you also realize that Paul does bring the commandments to the Gentiles, but only NINE? Paul leaves out the commandment about remembering the sabbath day... Paul kills that teaching with Colossians 2:16 when he says, Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
- There goes your guilt trip you try to put on your people who don't come to church all the time - or to the JW's and 7th Day Adventists. The Sabbath is a dead issue today.
- And even besides all that, just what specific commandments are we to follow today? Paul's!
- Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;
- I Corinthians 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
- Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;
- Pastors today are teaching the commandments of men, not God.
- First of all, do you realize that in the first place, the infamous 'ten commandments' were originally given to the Israelites only and NOT to the heathen Gentiles?
- Hebrews 12:1-3 - confidence or patience?
- what a horrible translation he used - run with confidence is not the same as run with patience, the KJB word.
- Besides, that is NOT TO US TODAY anyway! I will say it again, and I am sure, not for the last time, but Hebrews is written TO who? HEBREWS - duh!
- His whole point in the sermon was to fear the preacher.
- See 13:7,17, too. These two verses are where the pastors claim their power over you!
- what a horrible translation he used - run with confidence is not the same as run with patience, the KJB word.