'The Workman' appears to be is a simple little bible study newsletter
that uses a KJB to rightly divide the word of truth.
that uses a KJB to rightly divide the word of truth.
His (whoever writes and mails out this newsletter) philosophy of using words other than what God inspired and preserved (while claiming to use a KJG while also making the claim to be rightly dividing the word of truth) shows the writer is just another name on the list of the growing numbers of evil men and seducers that continue to wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. II Timothy 3:13
His trick of claiming to use a King James Bible makes this newsletter even more dangerous than simply publishing a newsletter using modern bibles to teach doctrines. To claim partial truth by rightly dividing through Paul and yet using his own 'choice' of supposedly 'better words' dangerously attracts those who have heard of rightly dividing and maybe now are willing to consider it. However, they will continue to be turned away from the truth of the 'word of truth', the gospel of their salvation, which is a King James 1611 Bible. The newsletter writer will continue to be deceived and will continue deceiving others by what this newsletter teaches.
His trick of claiming to use a King James Bible makes this newsletter even more dangerous than simply publishing a newsletter using modern bibles to teach doctrines. To claim partial truth by rightly dividing through Paul and yet using his own 'choice' of supposedly 'better words' dangerously attracts those who have heard of rightly dividing and maybe now are willing to consider it. However, they will continue to be turned away from the truth of the 'word of truth', the gospel of their salvation, which is a King James 1611 Bible. The newsletter writer will continue to be deceived and will continue deceiving others by what this newsletter teaches.
There are a number of reasons why his newsletter of 'word changes' are
so dangerous to the unsuspecting reader:
so dangerous to the unsuspecting reader:
- a) Takes the final authority of the King James Bible away from the reader
- b) Makes the writer to be the only one knowledgeable enough to teach rightly dividing 'like he teaches.'
- c) Shows the readers the belief that God still will 'impress upon your heart' (also known as feelings) instead of through the KJB to be their final authority.
- d) Encourages people to learn the Greek language so they can 'possibly' be as smart and godly as the writer, even though there many Greek manuscripts to turn to - which ones are the 'right' ones, etc.?
- e) Shows the writer believes the 'originals' as his final authority, none of which exist, so he cannot be challenged other than with a KJB, which he says he uses but secretly does not believe to the very words of the Lord that we are to study, memorize, follow, etc.
- f) Completely changes many serious doctrines by changing the words from a KJB - a bible he falsely claims to support. This is why God tells us to SHUN his teachings because his teachings are profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker...who concerning the truth have erred...and overthrow the faith of some. II Timothy 2:16-18
While there are changes of wording in all the newsletters, the latest and most recent example of word changing that I find worth mentioning is found in the most recent issue (July 2017, volume 10. issue 4) when the writer changes the word 'melody' in Ephesians 5:19 to the word 'praise'. Modern Bibles change 'melody' to 'music' and so these changes to 'praise' and 'music' support the modern rock, hillbilly, CCM, etc. music in the churches today.
Ephesians 5:19 - Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Today's 'hip' music emphasizes 'rhythm' as the main musical element; 'rhythm' is the 'beat' and affects the the physical, which the bible calls 'flesh'. Beat in itself is certainly not wrong but when it is used in an unbalanced manner, emphasizing rhythm over melody and harmony, then the flesh is activated, not the mind. Eventually, the music feeds the flesh of the listener, and the KJB tells us that in I Corinthians 1:29, That no flesh should glory in his presence. So we see in a KJB that God wants to hear the MELODY, not the beat!
This particular word change often goes unnoticed but with myself being a musician, I recognize the seriousness of this word change. Changing the word melody to 'music' or 'praise' completely opens the door for today's music to take over the spiritual direction and control of a person's 'body' and eventually their mind if they don't wise up to this device of the devil!
Also, we see as in Daniel 5 that Satan will use all kinds of music to demand his worship and following - and by using the 'beat' instead of 'melody,' we certainly can see the devil can pretend to be like the most High as it states in Isaiah 13.
Satan's goal, when he he is welcomed onto the earth (I Peter 5:8) during the Tribulation, is to become the global religious leader - and by taking away the truth of the KJB in the meanwhile changing melody to praise and worship, he will have used music as the spark that will have brought all the religions and denominations together through the people's fun and fleshy music/praise in worship.
This is already being accomplished by the latest trends in churches over the years by having worship teams, song leaders, music ministers with their music ministry - especially to attract the youth, etc.
Music has now become more important than preaching the truth. Music has replaced the preaching. Music has replaced the word of God in people's lives and in the churches of America. While the resulting damage and danger being even more evident and obvious today, we can see the deception of modern bibles and newsletters that change the word melody to music and/or praise, are turning away more and more ears from the truth.
Yes, music certainly is the universal language - but it is also quickly becoming the global language and voice for the coming global kingdom! Daniel 3:7 - Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped...
Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice,
I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian,
and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me.
I Corinthians 14:11
I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian,
and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me.
I Corinthians 14:11
The writer to The Workman is dangerously wrong in his monthly newsletter!
Avoid and Shun!
Avoid and Shun!
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