I make an attempt at explaining musically, just what is 'Absolute Music.' Honestly, it would be so much easier if I could do this live and with a piano to show 'examples' of what I am talking about. Anyway...
I do try to explain the 'sound of music' the best way I can - and i also to keep it simple as possible. I hope this 'helps' folks understand how music works and how it can manipulate us so easily these days.
Don't miss my short comments on 'amusement' vs 'thinking.' We have become a people who have to be entertained and amused and so while we are being entertained with music 24/7, we have stopped thinking - and that is exactly what Satan and his government wants us to do - "stop thinking" and let others think for us (politicians AND pastors) and I tend to believe that is why people either 'church-hop' or 'preacher-hop' on YouTube. To find someone willing to study AND think, they will obviously come to the Risen Saviour through Paul in a rightly-divided 'word of truth, the King James Bible, the thinking man's bible!
Anyway - at least you can hear about "Absolute Music" and that it would be the music that would please God, which, by the way, during the time of "Absolute Music," the King James Bible came onto the scene. Coincidence? I think not!
I do try to explain the 'sound of music' the best way I can - and i also to keep it simple as possible. I hope this 'helps' folks understand how music works and how it can manipulate us so easily these days.
Don't miss my short comments on 'amusement' vs 'thinking.' We have become a people who have to be entertained and amused and so while we are being entertained with music 24/7, we have stopped thinking - and that is exactly what Satan and his government wants us to do - "stop thinking" and let others think for us (politicians AND pastors) and I tend to believe that is why people either 'church-hop' or 'preacher-hop' on YouTube. To find someone willing to study AND think, they will obviously come to the Risen Saviour through Paul in a rightly-divided 'word of truth, the King James Bible, the thinking man's bible!
Anyway - at least you can hear about "Absolute Music" and that it would be the music that would please God, which, by the way, during the time of "Absolute Music," the King James Bible came onto the scene. Coincidence? I think not!
The Sound of Absolute Music
46:25 minutes
46:25 minutes