This is where it all began, in Touchet, Washington, where the words of the Risen Saviour were learned, studied and sent out across the country as well as around the world to guide those who were at one time deceived by pastors from local 'Great Commission' preaching churches only now to be no longer deceived but sincere Christians learning to follow Paul's Greater Commission from a King James 1611 Bible, rightly divided by looking to Paul ONLY, which simply stated, is just reading and studying a King James Bible using common sense!
All of my "Risen Christ - Rightly Dividing through Paul" video sermons go back to my days in Touchet as the 'senior pastor; youth pastor; retired people's pastors; the kid's and adult's SS teacher; the pot luck food taster; nursery canceler; bear and elk hunter failure, bored fisherman; website webmaster; secretary; pianist; song leader; online 'Dear Pastor Abby columnist; email 24/7 contact; PalTalk Room moderator / pastor / consultant / online sermon coordinator; horrible sound / tech engineer; green computer non-guru; landscape mower / trimmer & keeper; do-it-wrong-myself fixer-upper person; a horrible shot 'gun enthusiast'; rattle-snake keeper & killer' restaurant expert' and finally, a 1611 'KJB Only' 'Rightly Dividing Through Paul Only' preaching preacher and teacher. Ah yes, those were the days, my friend, those were the days!
After 13 years of pastoring in Touchet, WA, these are the final two sermons - August 30, 2009
A Paul's Good-Bye - adult SS class
A Paul's Good-Bye a.m. morning service

Built in 1902, the best years that church ever saw was when 'apostle Paul' arrived and brought us the risen Saviour!
We eventually got rid of all the pews and put in tables.
Sermons were geared for learning, page turning and note taking, no more just listening from the pews!
Sermons were geared for learning, page turning and note taking, no more just listening from the pews!
Remember the billboards we had on the main highway - lit at night - I think we had 5 years of a new one each year.
The Touchet sermons are from 2007-2009 and are ALL available, along with audios and written notes,
at the original website
at the original website