I am sure that most of us have been thinking on the rapture quite a bit lately – duh! I also am quite certain that most all of us are aware of the classic verses on the rapture. And we also are quite sure that America will never be the same as we knew it a month ago.
But do you still wonder – maybe just a little…?
As life continues to get tougher and more painful with more things being shut down in the name of health (like the internet being controlled more – my websites becoming non-essential, etc.) and daily life becoming more confusing as well as a growing instability everywhere, all increasing on a daily basis that we could even find ourselves growing bit of doubt concerning the rapture from which we have been having our comfort established within our minds and hearts!
I mean, it sounds so science ‘fictiony’ to think that we could be suddenly whisked “up up and awaaay with(out) a beautiful balloon” to meet the risen Saviour in the clouds while the rest of the world is expecting this all-loving, all-allowing Jesus to come down and fix everything and bring everyone together in this global unity (and who will behead them if they don’t worship and follow him).
But do you still wonder – maybe just a little…?
As life continues to get tougher and more painful with more things being shut down in the name of health (like the internet being controlled more – my websites becoming non-essential, etc.) and daily life becoming more confusing as well as a growing instability everywhere, all increasing on a daily basis that we could even find ourselves growing bit of doubt concerning the rapture from which we have been having our comfort established within our minds and hearts!
I mean, it sounds so science ‘fictiony’ to think that we could be suddenly whisked “up up and awaaay with(out) a beautiful balloon” to meet the risen Saviour in the clouds while the rest of the world is expecting this all-loving, all-allowing Jesus to come down and fix everything and bring everyone together in this global unity (and who will behead them if they don’t worship and follow him).