These are Topics that I have Found from Within the Pulpits of Today's Pastors...
These topics deserve the truth from potential sermons or complete studies...
...or are something you could respond to from within your own home bible studies
or if nothing else, simply discussed if we just could sit down and study and talk together.
(as of June 25, 2019)
These topics deserve the truth from potential sermons or complete studies...
...or are something you could respond to from within your own home bible studies
or if nothing else, simply discussed if we just could sit down and study and talk together.
(as of June 25, 2019)
1. Word Study needed on Spiritual / Scriptural PEACE!
2. Word Study needed on The Gospel of… Which Gospel to Follow Today
3. My online music’s doctrine within the lyrics is beginning to disturb me. As I listen and watch the words on the ‘modern’ church screen, I realize even more just how much of it is truly NOT from Paul’s gospel to the Gentiles / us today.
Many years ago, they took out the verses (see Stolen Verses) and now they twist them and/or use the teachings from the Jewish fables of today’s modern gospel. Music has truly been the power of the ecumenical spirit in the churches today.
4. The local church today is a synagogue of Satan! The pic of Jesus on the screen is ‘unitarian’ and not scriptural! The local church today is building the devil’s army with people who ‘think’ they are saved but are from ‘another’ gospel, Jewish fables and commandments of men all being led by evil men and seducers who are waxing worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
The local church today certainly knows nothing about the word of truth and is also called the sword of the Spirit. There is no operation of God taking place in any local church these days. The big screen on the wall is NOT KJB nor does it even allow for people to look at their own bible to follow along – IF they even wanted to. It all has taken the people back to the middle ages when only the leaders had the ‘truth,’ which we know wasn’t always the truth then, either.
5. It isn’t most of the ‘people’ in the local church that are the real problem. While the men haven’t done their part as father, husband and church man… and while the woman blindly follows the pastor’s wife in all examples of her female yet loud, immodest, bossy and controlling feminist walk… and while the kids just simply head out to children’s church to watch vegetables and bugs be their teacher of good morals and righteousness and see cartoon caricatures of the people of the Bible… it is more the leaders that take the responsibility.
I have learned that if a man were to take the pastors words seriously and actually read and study the bible (although I haven’t heard a pastor tell their people to read their Bible for a long time…), the pastor would eventually be calling that man a problem – and would accuse him of ‘causing division among the brethren.’ He would also be telling the man to ‘touch not the anointed’.
Again, and to be clear here, most of the people I have met in the churches are nice people. They are friendly and helpful. Some of them work hard to keep the facility clean and in great working condition. But these same people are also NOT excited during the ‘official’ church service. They either can’t or they choose to not sing and especially don’t like the new music styles – unless they themselves are a musician, then they see a chance for a few minutes of pretend ‘feel good’ stardom!
But the sermons? They do nothing for the people. Why would they? If the people are already saved as they say they are, then what is the point of hearing sermon after sermon about salvation. Add to that are those moments of guilt the pastor puts on the people for not leading others to salvation, etc. and how it must be ‘their’ problem that their church isn’t growing. No wonder they just HAVE to have that invitation at the end where the emotions do their work and the power of music makes the people ‘move.’
6. Has anyone EVER compared their modern Bible to the KJB? After all, the modern bibles all compare themselves to the KJB… Many years ago, when I had a ‘home church’ in Rapid City, SD, comparing all the bibles in some key verses was among the very first things we did with folks. That comparison study always lit everyone’s fire. So I ask, why don’t people check it out for themselves today? Are the pastor and people afraid they would discover and learn about the greatest theft in all time? Maybe by now they finally just don’t care what any bible says anymore! Music and the so-called ‘love of God’ has so taken over the emphasis in the local churches.
No doubt that has been the goal of Satan all along! He first changed God’s words in the Garden of Eden. Then he tried to prevent the KJB from ever being printed. He has tried to take it and keep it away from people ever since. Today, he has replaced the KJB with ‘fake bibles.’ And for the KJB people, he kept them from learning about rightly dividing the word of truth.
At first, people didn’t know it was all happening. However, now people don’t even care about anything ‘bible.’ Satan has scored that victory in almost every home in America now… which means he can run their lives totally and that has been his desire from the start. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
But it won’t go on forever… Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
7. You ask, “Why would anyone who grasps the risen Saviour through Paul in a KJB ever consider returning to a local church that does NOT teach and preach the risen Christ?” These could be a few possible reasons why someone would return:
a) lonely for fellowship;
b) to help others see what they saw through Paul;
c) They need help financially / physically / mentally;
d) Music is seducing them to softness, sweetness and the ‘humanistic love of others;
e) Keep peace in the family;
f) They are falling for the pastor’s good words and fair speeches;
g) They are being made to feel ashamed by their ‘friends’ and ’family’ for not attending any church;
h) Don’t understand the Biblical design and true purpose of the local church then and now;
i) They are tired of the confrontation when they don’t attend – or over the KJB – or over Paul ONLY.
8. A Model Mother Today is NOT the Proverbs Woman from Proverbs 31 – nor can she be described by preaching the ‘classic’ Baptist sermon on I Samuel 1:9-28.
It is not about being a women full of:
a) answered prayer;
b) it is not about the mother obeying God’s laws;
c) it is not about being self-righteous in her own OT walk and;
d) she certainly should not be teaching the children the OT Gospel walk that was directed to the Jews and NOT to the Gentiles.
Truthfully, the Model Mother / Woman manner of life is described by Paul in Timothy and Titus (for starters) – today's women need to read those books. After all, those are things that will be judged at their 'judgment seat of Christ.' See Romans 2:16.
A model mother today should be learning of the goodness of God and by following Paul during this dispensation of the grace of God, always looking towards the Risen Saviour and always thinking of Romans 12:1,2. That is what she can pass on to her children! I Thessalonians 1:9,10.
(be sure you look up these references - don't just skip over them...
9. Joshua 1:7 for a sermon today? That is a classic guilt producing OT sermon. This sermon has all to do with the severity of God and NOTHING to do with the goodness of God or the risen Saviour’s doctrine as taught to Paul only.
10. Stephen’s Bold Sacrifice in Acts 7:59,60? Seriously? Stephen was ‘BP’ (Before Paul)! Stephen was working with Peter’s gospel of the circumcision. But just what if you do listen to that sermon and get inspired to sacrifice for the risen Saviour?
Well, I did that and look at the wars and battles I have had to fight since I chose to read my Bible and ‘share’ it with others, just as the pastor taught! Those ‘battles were usually with the brethren AND pastors.
Are you ready for a ‘real’ sacrifice? There were men who always tried to kill Paul AND they still do to this very day. Acts 23:11-15. Again, we see that a Pastor knows not what he is asking his people to do. If his people do rise up and make a bold proclamation about following Paul as he follows the Risen Saviour, there will be war in the camp! However, remember it is not us who fire the first shots of war. They are the ones who get angry, divisive, name-calling, mean spirited, etc.
11. There is more to Romans 3:23 than most people realize – even for us as Paul followers: This is probably the next sermon I must do!! It is the main difference between the common so-called Christian today trying to follow the ‘walk’ as the apostles taught to see what Christ can supposedly do FOR you but only if your walk is clean and obedient as compared to what the risen Christ did TO us today because we simply can’t walk the perfect walk today. Adam and Eve didn’t. Noah didn’t. The Jews didn’t during the OT! The Jews didn’t in the gospel days with Jesus on the earth and they won’t in the tribulations just before Christ returns.
So why do so many ‘modern’ Christians think they are any different? The answer is Romans 3:23 but I know what their pastor will say the answer is, but he is wrong. He simply continues to preach OT righteousness.
12. What does Paul teach us about the BLOOD of Christ?
13. What does Paul say about Hell?
14. It has been a fascination for me to move into a ‘religious’ community similar to my preaching background ‘before’ I saw the true risen light from the Paul and the risen Saviour. I was able to recognize and realize the true joy of being ‘beyond the cross’ and to see Paul’s scriptures come alive. This did not happen in ND as I was among Lutherans and Catholics and whose religion was in name only – they did not ‘live’ their religion as do the Baptists here.
What have I seen, you ask? I’m so glad you asked. I have seen and personally experienced:
a) the true joy of knowing the risen Saviour through Paul and a KJB;
b) my favorite and best remembered Scriptures come alive for me personally;
c) the true peace in all its peaceful glory from the risen Saviour through His very preserved words;
d) an understanding found nowhere but through Paul and the KJB;
e) the marvelous truth on a constant and daily basis of a rightly divided KJB;
f) the attack on the KJB from pastors and people is alive and well and continues to do the damage in their lives – but not in mine;
g) the conspiracies of Satan and against Paul are still in total existence and control all the local churches;
h) the results of a corruption of the scriptures and the damage of false doctrine as derived from the gospel books as well as the classic OT sermons I used to preach before my personal ‘discovery’ of the risen Christ, etc. as they are being misused and misapplied absolutely everywhere;
i) the power of music in detail and in a way that is exactly as I predicted it would at least 30 years ago;
j) the true joy of living ‘beyond the cross’ and not ‘at the foot of the cross’;
k) the true meaning of Romans 3:23 to today’s modern self-proclaimed Christian;
l) the true evil of pastors as Paul describes them;
m) the ‘zombieness’ of the people as they sit under those evil seducing pastors;
n) the conceit of not knowing about Israel and the risen Saviour as Paul describes in Romans 11:25;
o) the detailed disaster exactly as I Timothy 6 describes someone who trusts in their riches.
15. I so miss my preaching days! I miss the tables instead of pews and the people taking notes as I not only ‘preached’ but I also was more intent on teaching them the Bible than to just preach at them as they sat in pews and chairs saying ‘amen’ and not having any clue about their bible. I miss the excitement I literally saw in their eyes as they learned about their KJ bible and all the doctrine of the Risen Saviour’s teachings. I miss hearing about the joy and peace people would suddenly grasp as they learned how to replace their false doctrinal teachings with Paul’s doctrine of the risen Saviour. I miss the early days of the website with our live video sermons. Ah yes, there is so much I miss.
16. I see people in churches today that are no different than Israelites struggling in the wilderness under the law of righteousness. Christians today still seem bound and determined to live ‘the new law’ as best as they could but if they actually listen to their pastor, they will always be living in fear of God’s wrath and punishment, large or small – to learn a lesson, to receive a blessing, or simply as a response from God’s wrath.
17. I have heard sermon after sermon about how the pastors are telling the people how to live their lives in strict obedience by asking God to do things in their lives that only opened the door for the devil to trick and seduce people into thinking that God was ‘alive’ in their lives when in reality, it was only making the pastor become their hero. Things such as asking God:
a) for daily forgiveness based on their own daily confessions;
b) to judge them righteously when in truth, (Christ has already done that and now their judgment will be based on Paul’s teachings, not the apostles in the gospels);
c) to accept their repentance;
d) to reach the lost without them even lifting a finger and making them feel guilty when they don’t have any victories;
e) to fight for them;
f) to protect them from Satan’s evil darts when they are not taught the truth about Satan and those supposed ‘fiery darts,’ etc.
g) to deliver them from whatever ill that they have – again, not realizing how the risen Saviour has already delivered the true Christian. That is the difference between thinking they are ‘set free’ compared to being ‘made free’ as the Scriptures say.
All these things that pastors tell his people to seek are the results of an Old Testament life for the Israelites as a nation, or for the Jewish nation to be ‘born again’ during the days of the gospels but NOT us as a true Christian today. Paul teaches being quickened, NOT ‘born again’ as do most denominations falsely teach today as they seek to blend doctrines.
18. I can always find a pastor preaching another classic OT Gospel sermon on Joshua 1:6-9. I have heard many missionaries and pastors, especially the King James Only preachers. as well as myself in my ‘early’ days preach this message to the family.
Ok, let’s say that was a good KJB sermon. “Observe to do all according to all that is written therein…” Of course you and I know he is talking about the OT law – NOT the NT according to the risen Saviour AFTER His death and resurrection.
But I would say to the preacher that preached that… I did exactly that over my years. I was able to read and study my KJB and take on the following ‘challenges’ exactly as the KJB scriptures stated about:
1) the KJB vs versions, Greek and Hebrew, etc.
2) Music;
3) Church and Pastoral issues;
4) Missionaries and their bogus ‘God-called’ mission fields;
5) I became a pastor AND teacher and simply realized I was to follow Paul and preach and TEACH the words of the Risen Saviour within my KJB Bible.
I continued my ‘challenges’ only to find out that my biggest enemy was going to be the very pastors themselves who told me to read and study my KJB. I DID NOT PROSPER by them as they preached in Joshua 1:6-9. In fact, in every instance I got involved in a local church ministry, I was eventually either fired or simply removed from any position… again, simply by obeying the pastor’s ‘advice’ and ‘guidance.’ So not only do I see pastors exactly as Paul warns us about them, I see their lack of ‘love’ towards the truth or towards anyone who reads their own bible for themselves while not asking for pastoral assistance..
19. The devil is NOT walking about today, seeking whom he may destroy… yet! I Peter is a tribulation book that is NOT TO us today. I & II Peter, as is James, Hebrews, I, II, III John and Jude are FOR us to learn about what the future tribulation will be like and how the people will be required to walk the ‘law’ again. Satan WILL be walking about during those times as he comes down in Revelation 6… but for today, no he is not down here yet.
Today, it is spiritual warfare -not a physical warfare. See Ephesians 6. He just has to play with our flesh, etc. and he can get people to follow him while they think they are following / imitating/ being ‘like Christ,’ just what the devil wants for himself – worship while he thinks he will be like the most High! Isaiah 14.
All he must do is to get people to follow the gospel from the 12 apostles instead of the risen Christ through Paul and he has them waiting anxiously for Christ’s return but instead, will be the coming of the Antichrist – and starting up the doctrine of the tribulation – the severity of God and the mark of the beast, etc.
20. The devil does not just want you in Hell… he wants you to worship him and to be like him as he wants to be like the most High. He will use people to accomplish his work in them. He wants people in his army – Revelation 13. As far as he is concerned, he must figure Hell is a nice place? After all, that is his stomping grounds, ya know. And honestly, folks... he is doing a marveous job today building HIS army with people tho 'think' they are being saved from him. For that reason, I am sure he still thinks he is going to win the war in Revelation 19.
21. Hades or Hell? The ridiculousness of the modern Bibles is almost hilarious if it wasn’t so serious! There are more words and far more unknown and complicated words in the new Bibles than ever from a KJB. They didn’t make it easier; they made it harder, more confusing and less important so now no one is even interested in 'any' bible, let alone just ‘one.’
22. If you really want to ‘share’ something, may I suggest that you ‘share’ the Risen Christ’s teachings! ‘Share’ Paul’s books and doctrine! ‘Share” the KJB and rightly dividing! Take the very words of the Risen Christ to the religious / church world. I am sure they will listen – NOT!
23. Forgiveness? Pardoned? Remission of Sins? What do you want? What does your pastor teach? Do you have to confess your sins everyday? Does I John 1:9 pertain to you? Can you lose that forgiveness? Does asking for forgiveness mean you are now saved?
24. How can your ‘religion’ and ‘belief’ be based on a Bible you have never really read for yourself from cover to cover? The very religion you claim all got its start from a King James Bible. If it wasn’t for a King James Bible, you would know nothing about God today. Oh wait, many people really don’t know the truth about the living God because they don’t have, let alone read, a 1611 King James Bible. We are so close to the famine of hearing the words of the LORD as warned about in Amos 8:11-13.
25. I heard a pastor say that “Jesus has the authority to forgive sin.” So, does that mean he just ‘says’ you are forgiven – and if so, then scan he say to you, you are not, unless you confess your sins to him?
Or did the risen Christ ‘do’ something much better than that? Oh ya – have you ever heard of
a) the operation of God in Colossians?
b) the circumcision made without hands in Colossians?
c) sin vs sinning in Romans 6,7?
d) imputation in Romans 4?
e) eternal security in Ephesians meaning eternal forgiveness and also NO daily private confession as falsely taught from I John 1:9 instead of Acts 26:18.
How can that be, you ask? Or maybe you still don’t ask – you just don’t want to believe it because it sounds to simple and too far-fetched - too good to be true?
26. Can you prove your salvation through scripture? I am talking about an assurance based on God’s own inspired and preserved words, not through:
a) feelings;
b) pastors authority;
c) a church invitation;
d) water baptism before, during or after…:
e) giving of tithes and offerings;
f) being an author or musician – or listening and reading from…;
g) a knowledge from some scholar or professor, degree, etc.
27. The details of I Timothy 6:9,10 are exactly how it is today – I see it, I live among it now much more than I did in North Dakota.. and it is real! I hear about it from the horses mouths daily! That love of money has caused people to err from the faith as they brag on their riches in their retirement years!
28. I so understand why folks just do not like Paul’s teachings in Timothy and Titus. That is a shame, though. Those guys are supposed to bring joy to anyone who heard them then and reads them today! Pastors are scared to death to do much, if anything, from those two books!
29. Maybe a simplified review of Alexandrian vs Antioch mentality would be a good refresher sermon?
a) Some people have the right idea but wrong bible.
b) Some folks have the right bible but the wrong idea about it.
c) Some have the wrong bible with the wrong idea and
d) Some have the right bible and the right idea!
Which one are you?
30. Maybe another simplified refresher and review could be of the silliness of the Greek using preachers and how they ‘claim’ to use Agape and Phileo love? To hear this will show people that anyone ‘going to the Greek’ to correct, find a better word and meaning, etc. are totally bogus in their sermons. The Greek is a dead language today and 'knowing Greek' does NOT help understand the King James Bible at all! This is deception at the max!
31. The word “ONLY” seems to be the ‘dividing’ word when used with King James 1611 Bible, Paul, rightly dividing, Saviour, doctrine, music, baptism, salvation, church. Apparently the word ‘only’ flies in the face of any and all ecumenical and denominational flavors, churches, pastors, bibles, etc. But then Christ said, Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: Luke 12:51. And to that statement made by Jesus during the gospel days to the Jews, the risen Saviour continues to cause division… and when we stick with the risen Saviour ONLY, we see that instant division still exists today.
2. Word Study needed on The Gospel of… Which Gospel to Follow Today
3. My online music’s doctrine within the lyrics is beginning to disturb me. As I listen and watch the words on the ‘modern’ church screen, I realize even more just how much of it is truly NOT from Paul’s gospel to the Gentiles / us today.
Many years ago, they took out the verses (see Stolen Verses) and now they twist them and/or use the teachings from the Jewish fables of today’s modern gospel. Music has truly been the power of the ecumenical spirit in the churches today.
4. The local church today is a synagogue of Satan! The pic of Jesus on the screen is ‘unitarian’ and not scriptural! The local church today is building the devil’s army with people who ‘think’ they are saved but are from ‘another’ gospel, Jewish fables and commandments of men all being led by evil men and seducers who are waxing worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
The local church today certainly knows nothing about the word of truth and is also called the sword of the Spirit. There is no operation of God taking place in any local church these days. The big screen on the wall is NOT KJB nor does it even allow for people to look at their own bible to follow along – IF they even wanted to. It all has taken the people back to the middle ages when only the leaders had the ‘truth,’ which we know wasn’t always the truth then, either.
5. It isn’t most of the ‘people’ in the local church that are the real problem. While the men haven’t done their part as father, husband and church man… and while the woman blindly follows the pastor’s wife in all examples of her female yet loud, immodest, bossy and controlling feminist walk… and while the kids just simply head out to children’s church to watch vegetables and bugs be their teacher of good morals and righteousness and see cartoon caricatures of the people of the Bible… it is more the leaders that take the responsibility.
I have learned that if a man were to take the pastors words seriously and actually read and study the bible (although I haven’t heard a pastor tell their people to read their Bible for a long time…), the pastor would eventually be calling that man a problem – and would accuse him of ‘causing division among the brethren.’ He would also be telling the man to ‘touch not the anointed’.
Again, and to be clear here, most of the people I have met in the churches are nice people. They are friendly and helpful. Some of them work hard to keep the facility clean and in great working condition. But these same people are also NOT excited during the ‘official’ church service. They either can’t or they choose to not sing and especially don’t like the new music styles – unless they themselves are a musician, then they see a chance for a few minutes of pretend ‘feel good’ stardom!
But the sermons? They do nothing for the people. Why would they? If the people are already saved as they say they are, then what is the point of hearing sermon after sermon about salvation. Add to that are those moments of guilt the pastor puts on the people for not leading others to salvation, etc. and how it must be ‘their’ problem that their church isn’t growing. No wonder they just HAVE to have that invitation at the end where the emotions do their work and the power of music makes the people ‘move.’
6. Has anyone EVER compared their modern Bible to the KJB? After all, the modern bibles all compare themselves to the KJB… Many years ago, when I had a ‘home church’ in Rapid City, SD, comparing all the bibles in some key verses was among the very first things we did with folks. That comparison study always lit everyone’s fire. So I ask, why don’t people check it out for themselves today? Are the pastor and people afraid they would discover and learn about the greatest theft in all time? Maybe by now they finally just don’t care what any bible says anymore! Music and the so-called ‘love of God’ has so taken over the emphasis in the local churches.
No doubt that has been the goal of Satan all along! He first changed God’s words in the Garden of Eden. Then he tried to prevent the KJB from ever being printed. He has tried to take it and keep it away from people ever since. Today, he has replaced the KJB with ‘fake bibles.’ And for the KJB people, he kept them from learning about rightly dividing the word of truth.
At first, people didn’t know it was all happening. However, now people don’t even care about anything ‘bible.’ Satan has scored that victory in almost every home in America now… which means he can run their lives totally and that has been his desire from the start. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
But it won’t go on forever… Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
7. You ask, “Why would anyone who grasps the risen Saviour through Paul in a KJB ever consider returning to a local church that does NOT teach and preach the risen Christ?” These could be a few possible reasons why someone would return:
a) lonely for fellowship;
b) to help others see what they saw through Paul;
c) They need help financially / physically / mentally;
d) Music is seducing them to softness, sweetness and the ‘humanistic love of others;
e) Keep peace in the family;
f) They are falling for the pastor’s good words and fair speeches;
g) They are being made to feel ashamed by their ‘friends’ and ’family’ for not attending any church;
h) Don’t understand the Biblical design and true purpose of the local church then and now;
i) They are tired of the confrontation when they don’t attend – or over the KJB – or over Paul ONLY.
8. A Model Mother Today is NOT the Proverbs Woman from Proverbs 31 – nor can she be described by preaching the ‘classic’ Baptist sermon on I Samuel 1:9-28.
It is not about being a women full of:
a) answered prayer;
b) it is not about the mother obeying God’s laws;
c) it is not about being self-righteous in her own OT walk and;
d) she certainly should not be teaching the children the OT Gospel walk that was directed to the Jews and NOT to the Gentiles.
Truthfully, the Model Mother / Woman manner of life is described by Paul in Timothy and Titus (for starters) – today's women need to read those books. After all, those are things that will be judged at their 'judgment seat of Christ.' See Romans 2:16.
A model mother today should be learning of the goodness of God and by following Paul during this dispensation of the grace of God, always looking towards the Risen Saviour and always thinking of Romans 12:1,2. That is what she can pass on to her children! I Thessalonians 1:9,10.
(be sure you look up these references - don't just skip over them...
9. Joshua 1:7 for a sermon today? That is a classic guilt producing OT sermon. This sermon has all to do with the severity of God and NOTHING to do with the goodness of God or the risen Saviour’s doctrine as taught to Paul only.
10. Stephen’s Bold Sacrifice in Acts 7:59,60? Seriously? Stephen was ‘BP’ (Before Paul)! Stephen was working with Peter’s gospel of the circumcision. But just what if you do listen to that sermon and get inspired to sacrifice for the risen Saviour?
Well, I did that and look at the wars and battles I have had to fight since I chose to read my Bible and ‘share’ it with others, just as the pastor taught! Those ‘battles were usually with the brethren AND pastors.
Are you ready for a ‘real’ sacrifice? There were men who always tried to kill Paul AND they still do to this very day. Acts 23:11-15. Again, we see that a Pastor knows not what he is asking his people to do. If his people do rise up and make a bold proclamation about following Paul as he follows the Risen Saviour, there will be war in the camp! However, remember it is not us who fire the first shots of war. They are the ones who get angry, divisive, name-calling, mean spirited, etc.
11. There is more to Romans 3:23 than most people realize – even for us as Paul followers: This is probably the next sermon I must do!! It is the main difference between the common so-called Christian today trying to follow the ‘walk’ as the apostles taught to see what Christ can supposedly do FOR you but only if your walk is clean and obedient as compared to what the risen Christ did TO us today because we simply can’t walk the perfect walk today. Adam and Eve didn’t. Noah didn’t. The Jews didn’t during the OT! The Jews didn’t in the gospel days with Jesus on the earth and they won’t in the tribulations just before Christ returns.
So why do so many ‘modern’ Christians think they are any different? The answer is Romans 3:23 but I know what their pastor will say the answer is, but he is wrong. He simply continues to preach OT righteousness.
12. What does Paul teach us about the BLOOD of Christ?
13. What does Paul say about Hell?
14. It has been a fascination for me to move into a ‘religious’ community similar to my preaching background ‘before’ I saw the true risen light from the Paul and the risen Saviour. I was able to recognize and realize the true joy of being ‘beyond the cross’ and to see Paul’s scriptures come alive. This did not happen in ND as I was among Lutherans and Catholics and whose religion was in name only – they did not ‘live’ their religion as do the Baptists here.
What have I seen, you ask? I’m so glad you asked. I have seen and personally experienced:
a) the true joy of knowing the risen Saviour through Paul and a KJB;
b) my favorite and best remembered Scriptures come alive for me personally;
c) the true peace in all its peaceful glory from the risen Saviour through His very preserved words;
d) an understanding found nowhere but through Paul and the KJB;
e) the marvelous truth on a constant and daily basis of a rightly divided KJB;
f) the attack on the KJB from pastors and people is alive and well and continues to do the damage in their lives – but not in mine;
g) the conspiracies of Satan and against Paul are still in total existence and control all the local churches;
h) the results of a corruption of the scriptures and the damage of false doctrine as derived from the gospel books as well as the classic OT sermons I used to preach before my personal ‘discovery’ of the risen Christ, etc. as they are being misused and misapplied absolutely everywhere;
i) the power of music in detail and in a way that is exactly as I predicted it would at least 30 years ago;
j) the true joy of living ‘beyond the cross’ and not ‘at the foot of the cross’;
k) the true meaning of Romans 3:23 to today’s modern self-proclaimed Christian;
l) the true evil of pastors as Paul describes them;
m) the ‘zombieness’ of the people as they sit under those evil seducing pastors;
n) the conceit of not knowing about Israel and the risen Saviour as Paul describes in Romans 11:25;
o) the detailed disaster exactly as I Timothy 6 describes someone who trusts in their riches.
15. I so miss my preaching days! I miss the tables instead of pews and the people taking notes as I not only ‘preached’ but I also was more intent on teaching them the Bible than to just preach at them as they sat in pews and chairs saying ‘amen’ and not having any clue about their bible. I miss the excitement I literally saw in their eyes as they learned about their KJ bible and all the doctrine of the Risen Saviour’s teachings. I miss hearing about the joy and peace people would suddenly grasp as they learned how to replace their false doctrinal teachings with Paul’s doctrine of the risen Saviour. I miss the early days of the website with our live video sermons. Ah yes, there is so much I miss.
16. I see people in churches today that are no different than Israelites struggling in the wilderness under the law of righteousness. Christians today still seem bound and determined to live ‘the new law’ as best as they could but if they actually listen to their pastor, they will always be living in fear of God’s wrath and punishment, large or small – to learn a lesson, to receive a blessing, or simply as a response from God’s wrath.
17. I have heard sermon after sermon about how the pastors are telling the people how to live their lives in strict obedience by asking God to do things in their lives that only opened the door for the devil to trick and seduce people into thinking that God was ‘alive’ in their lives when in reality, it was only making the pastor become their hero. Things such as asking God:
a) for daily forgiveness based on their own daily confessions;
b) to judge them righteously when in truth, (Christ has already done that and now their judgment will be based on Paul’s teachings, not the apostles in the gospels);
c) to accept their repentance;
d) to reach the lost without them even lifting a finger and making them feel guilty when they don’t have any victories;
e) to fight for them;
f) to protect them from Satan’s evil darts when they are not taught the truth about Satan and those supposed ‘fiery darts,’ etc.
g) to deliver them from whatever ill that they have – again, not realizing how the risen Saviour has already delivered the true Christian. That is the difference between thinking they are ‘set free’ compared to being ‘made free’ as the Scriptures say.
All these things that pastors tell his people to seek are the results of an Old Testament life for the Israelites as a nation, or for the Jewish nation to be ‘born again’ during the days of the gospels but NOT us as a true Christian today. Paul teaches being quickened, NOT ‘born again’ as do most denominations falsely teach today as they seek to blend doctrines.
18. I can always find a pastor preaching another classic OT Gospel sermon on Joshua 1:6-9. I have heard many missionaries and pastors, especially the King James Only preachers. as well as myself in my ‘early’ days preach this message to the family.
Ok, let’s say that was a good KJB sermon. “Observe to do all according to all that is written therein…” Of course you and I know he is talking about the OT law – NOT the NT according to the risen Saviour AFTER His death and resurrection.
But I would say to the preacher that preached that… I did exactly that over my years. I was able to read and study my KJB and take on the following ‘challenges’ exactly as the KJB scriptures stated about:
1) the KJB vs versions, Greek and Hebrew, etc.
2) Music;
3) Church and Pastoral issues;
4) Missionaries and their bogus ‘God-called’ mission fields;
5) I became a pastor AND teacher and simply realized I was to follow Paul and preach and TEACH the words of the Risen Saviour within my KJB Bible.
I continued my ‘challenges’ only to find out that my biggest enemy was going to be the very pastors themselves who told me to read and study my KJB. I DID NOT PROSPER by them as they preached in Joshua 1:6-9. In fact, in every instance I got involved in a local church ministry, I was eventually either fired or simply removed from any position… again, simply by obeying the pastor’s ‘advice’ and ‘guidance.’ So not only do I see pastors exactly as Paul warns us about them, I see their lack of ‘love’ towards the truth or towards anyone who reads their own bible for themselves while not asking for pastoral assistance..
19. The devil is NOT walking about today, seeking whom he may destroy… yet! I Peter is a tribulation book that is NOT TO us today. I & II Peter, as is James, Hebrews, I, II, III John and Jude are FOR us to learn about what the future tribulation will be like and how the people will be required to walk the ‘law’ again. Satan WILL be walking about during those times as he comes down in Revelation 6… but for today, no he is not down here yet.
Today, it is spiritual warfare -not a physical warfare. See Ephesians 6. He just has to play with our flesh, etc. and he can get people to follow him while they think they are following / imitating/ being ‘like Christ,’ just what the devil wants for himself – worship while he thinks he will be like the most High! Isaiah 14.
All he must do is to get people to follow the gospel from the 12 apostles instead of the risen Christ through Paul and he has them waiting anxiously for Christ’s return but instead, will be the coming of the Antichrist – and starting up the doctrine of the tribulation – the severity of God and the mark of the beast, etc.
20. The devil does not just want you in Hell… he wants you to worship him and to be like him as he wants to be like the most High. He will use people to accomplish his work in them. He wants people in his army – Revelation 13. As far as he is concerned, he must figure Hell is a nice place? After all, that is his stomping grounds, ya know. And honestly, folks... he is doing a marveous job today building HIS army with people tho 'think' they are being saved from him. For that reason, I am sure he still thinks he is going to win the war in Revelation 19.
21. Hades or Hell? The ridiculousness of the modern Bibles is almost hilarious if it wasn’t so serious! There are more words and far more unknown and complicated words in the new Bibles than ever from a KJB. They didn’t make it easier; they made it harder, more confusing and less important so now no one is even interested in 'any' bible, let alone just ‘one.’
22. If you really want to ‘share’ something, may I suggest that you ‘share’ the Risen Christ’s teachings! ‘Share’ Paul’s books and doctrine! ‘Share” the KJB and rightly dividing! Take the very words of the Risen Christ to the religious / church world. I am sure they will listen – NOT!
23. Forgiveness? Pardoned? Remission of Sins? What do you want? What does your pastor teach? Do you have to confess your sins everyday? Does I John 1:9 pertain to you? Can you lose that forgiveness? Does asking for forgiveness mean you are now saved?
24. How can your ‘religion’ and ‘belief’ be based on a Bible you have never really read for yourself from cover to cover? The very religion you claim all got its start from a King James Bible. If it wasn’t for a King James Bible, you would know nothing about God today. Oh wait, many people really don’t know the truth about the living God because they don’t have, let alone read, a 1611 King James Bible. We are so close to the famine of hearing the words of the LORD as warned about in Amos 8:11-13.
25. I heard a pastor say that “Jesus has the authority to forgive sin.” So, does that mean he just ‘says’ you are forgiven – and if so, then scan he say to you, you are not, unless you confess your sins to him?
Or did the risen Christ ‘do’ something much better than that? Oh ya – have you ever heard of
a) the operation of God in Colossians?
b) the circumcision made without hands in Colossians?
c) sin vs sinning in Romans 6,7?
d) imputation in Romans 4?
e) eternal security in Ephesians meaning eternal forgiveness and also NO daily private confession as falsely taught from I John 1:9 instead of Acts 26:18.
How can that be, you ask? Or maybe you still don’t ask – you just don’t want to believe it because it sounds to simple and too far-fetched - too good to be true?
26. Can you prove your salvation through scripture? I am talking about an assurance based on God’s own inspired and preserved words, not through:
a) feelings;
b) pastors authority;
c) a church invitation;
d) water baptism before, during or after…:
e) giving of tithes and offerings;
f) being an author or musician – or listening and reading from…;
g) a knowledge from some scholar or professor, degree, etc.
27. The details of I Timothy 6:9,10 are exactly how it is today – I see it, I live among it now much more than I did in North Dakota.. and it is real! I hear about it from the horses mouths daily! That love of money has caused people to err from the faith as they brag on their riches in their retirement years!
28. I so understand why folks just do not like Paul’s teachings in Timothy and Titus. That is a shame, though. Those guys are supposed to bring joy to anyone who heard them then and reads them today! Pastors are scared to death to do much, if anything, from those two books!
29. Maybe a simplified review of Alexandrian vs Antioch mentality would be a good refresher sermon?
a) Some people have the right idea but wrong bible.
b) Some folks have the right bible but the wrong idea about it.
c) Some have the wrong bible with the wrong idea and
d) Some have the right bible and the right idea!
Which one are you?
30. Maybe another simplified refresher and review could be of the silliness of the Greek using preachers and how they ‘claim’ to use Agape and Phileo love? To hear this will show people that anyone ‘going to the Greek’ to correct, find a better word and meaning, etc. are totally bogus in their sermons. The Greek is a dead language today and 'knowing Greek' does NOT help understand the King James Bible at all! This is deception at the max!
31. The word “ONLY” seems to be the ‘dividing’ word when used with King James 1611 Bible, Paul, rightly dividing, Saviour, doctrine, music, baptism, salvation, church. Apparently the word ‘only’ flies in the face of any and all ecumenical and denominational flavors, churches, pastors, bibles, etc. But then Christ said, Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: Luke 12:51. And to that statement made by Jesus during the gospel days to the Jews, the risen Saviour continues to cause division… and when we stick with the risen Saviour ONLY, we see that instant division still exists today.