Yupper, it's me ... the same guy that started this scatteredchristians website way back early 2000's from Touchet, WA. I'm still kickin', just not as hard, high or as often as I used to be able to do. I am 100% retired and slower than ever but at least I haven't completely quit. Oh, I am not a hyper, either, no matter what people say about me or what I am teaching!
Welcome to my website...
"I'm Paulson... and this is my world!"
"I'm Paulson... and this is my world!"
Our new and quite possibly final location in life - Bella Vista, Arkansas!
Saying goodbye to 48 years of teaching music - with a 13 year break as a pastor in Touchet, WA and one year as 'The Culligan Man" in Idaho. I am still 'alive' with both Scattered Christians websites.
The following are just a few pictures from years of my music educating / pastoring / relaxing / family life.
Visitors to this particular page since June 2, 2017