Not trying to be critical every second of the visit, but I did notice...
- 49 spotlights all aimed towards the altar... pretty expensive, I do believe. Just for sermons and choir - or do you do plays and concerts, etc.?
- I noticed the American flag 'behind' the front speaker - and this being such a patriotic community, that was surprising to me.
- There was NO time allowed for the average church member to look up the scriptures spoken of during the sermon. Having the screen in use to present the scriptures seemed to be the only way to 'read' any scriptures.
- The pictures/texts, etc. presented onto the screen went by very quickly - at times too quickly.
- Maybe that is why people just sat and stared towards the front of the church - like religious zombies, not being able to turn in their own Bible to 'check' the scriptures as well as learn for themselves not only what the scriptures say but also that is how they learn where various books and scriptures are located.
- I also understand that when there is not a single foundational bible used for reference, folks with different bible versions would often notice that their bible doesn't say what the pastor is saying - well, if they had time to look up the references being presented at the time.
- Just about 'all' the 'amening' and 'laughter' was done by the women. Men just appeared to be zombied out!