Left vs Right Christianity I II
Despising and Destroying the Magnificence of Modern Christianity Today"
Despising and Destroying the Magnificence of Modern Christianity Today"
We see in Acts 19:23-29, that some of the results of Paul's gospel back in Paul's time were to help people wise-up to the false teachings that were going on. We can most certainly apply that to the 'local churches' today who preach the apostle's and Peter's doctrine instead of Paul's gospel of the RISEN Saviour.
We see that we ought to eventually 'despise' that which is being taught in our churches today as well as destroying the magnificence of those same local churches. Well, I personally despise the false doctrine and hatred towards Paul and the KJB along with the corruptness and deceptions and outright lies of their teachings that are all being taught from those that are teaching Peter instead of Paul.
This particular presentation deals with me trying to destroy the magnificence of the average local church today. Remember, I used to be one of those pastors who preached that false stuff - but now that I have seen the damage done, I truly despise it all and want to do all I can to destroy the magnificence in the eyes of their people, as did Paul.
I will be comparing the false doctrine of the 'left' in part I with the joy and truth of the doctrine of Paul in part II.
We see that we ought to eventually 'despise' that which is being taught in our churches today as well as destroying the magnificence of those same local churches. Well, I personally despise the false doctrine and hatred towards Paul and the KJB along with the corruptness and deceptions and outright lies of their teachings that are all being taught from those that are teaching Peter instead of Paul.
This particular presentation deals with me trying to destroy the magnificence of the average local church today. Remember, I used to be one of those pastors who preached that false stuff - but now that I have seen the damage done, I truly despise it all and want to do all I can to destroy the magnificence in the eyes of their people, as did Paul.
I will be comparing the false doctrine of the 'left' in part I with the joy and truth of the doctrine of Paul in part II.
Part I
The Left
Modern Bibles / unknown God / Born-Againers / Peters Gospel
47:21 Minutes
The Left
Modern Bibles / unknown God / Born-Againers / Peters Gospel
47:21 Minutes
Part II
The Right
King James 1611 Bible Rightly Divided / Paul's Gospel
48:26 minutes
The Right
King James 1611 Bible Rightly Divided / Paul's Gospel
48:26 minutes
This is part II of my comparison of the gospel of the uncircumcision by the apostle Paul with the gospel of the circumcision by the apostle Peter. I call the gospel of the circumcision 'the left' because it is what is being taught in all the churches today. The Great Commission, being Born-Again, being a new creation, being 'set free,' need for confession, the Severity of God, modern bibles, pastoral rule along with deceiving their people into thinking they are anointed, IF their daily walk is 'good enough' to please God along with their hatred of Paul and a complete rejection of the King James Bible and worshipping their unknown God with 'all kinds of music!' They are all part of the Left of Christianity today.
Paul's 'Greater Commission, being quickened, made free, dead to sin, dead to the law, rightly dividing the inspired, inerrant, preserved, 'that which is perfect' King James Bible, approved unto God, the Goodness of God, the faith OF Jesus Christ, no confession needed, absolute music, Paul's gospel, the living church is the body of Christ and not some local particular assembly is what I call the 'Right' of Christianity.
In fact, I tend to not believe the Left has anything to do with true Christianity at all. It appears to be a completely false gospel lead by evil seducing men who are deceived and are deceiving the hearts of the simple with their good words and fair speeches as they teach and preach 'another Jesus, another spirit and another gospel. They are actually preparing their church members for worshipping the anti-Christ and taking the mark of the beast for the tribulation by calling it the mark of God.
Truthfully, as did some of the people in Acts 19, I also have come to despise this modern Christianity and religion. i have seen firsthand what damage it has done to people, families, churches and even the country and world. Based on Acts 19:22-29, I want to help destroy the magnificence that people have been deceived to follow.
I could say more but I sincerely hope Part I, II truly helps someone destroy the magnificence for someone somewhere and help others learn to despise this false religion called 'Today's Christianity.'
Part I is about the Left and Part II, is about the Right. Which one do you follow? Peter or Paul?
Paul's 'Greater Commission, being quickened, made free, dead to sin, dead to the law, rightly dividing the inspired, inerrant, preserved, 'that which is perfect' King James Bible, approved unto God, the Goodness of God, the faith OF Jesus Christ, no confession needed, absolute music, Paul's gospel, the living church is the body of Christ and not some local particular assembly is what I call the 'Right' of Christianity.
In fact, I tend to not believe the Left has anything to do with true Christianity at all. It appears to be a completely false gospel lead by evil seducing men who are deceived and are deceiving the hearts of the simple with their good words and fair speeches as they teach and preach 'another Jesus, another spirit and another gospel. They are actually preparing their church members for worshipping the anti-Christ and taking the mark of the beast for the tribulation by calling it the mark of God.
Truthfully, as did some of the people in Acts 19, I also have come to despise this modern Christianity and religion. i have seen firsthand what damage it has done to people, families, churches and even the country and world. Based on Acts 19:22-29, I want to help destroy the magnificence that people have been deceived to follow.
I could say more but I sincerely hope Part I, II truly helps someone destroy the magnificence for someone somewhere and help others learn to despise this false religion called 'Today's Christianity.'
Part I is about the Left and Part II, is about the Right. Which one do you follow? Peter or Paul?