Remember Those By-Gone Days When...
Scroll down to the end for the newest additions - send me more of your memories from this site over the many years we have been online.
- ...we realized that really and truly, all we needed was our King James Bible; everything and everyone else was secondary along with the obvious discovery that our 'wonderful pastors,' 'church,' etc. were putting forth a false gospel and were duped and tricked with religion just like we were... but now, no longer deceiving, and being deceived.
- ...we would hear something from the Bible for the first time, or second or third... and we were soon thrilled to see more light?
- ...we would hear something from the Bible and question it / get angry / allow our feelings to get hurt and yet still know it was the truth - and eventually accepted it - and were thus able to move on with our own spirituality?
- ...we would get up and go to church knowing we were going to read and hear the truth, sing some hymns that we knew spoke the truth in music and lyrics, be with some folks who had their own spiritual struggles yet were there with us on a regular basis with us - and didn't whine about them?
- ...we would learn some things about Paul that we could truly identify with - or knew we were going to learn of them soon?
- ...our lives were headed for a shipwreck / or already in one - and yet Paul showed us how to 'swim' to safety?
- ...we would prepare and eat those marvelous potluck meals - some of the best cooking one would ever eat?
- ...we would try to get hooked up to the "Pal-Talk" with some folks in many different places in the country - and some foreign lands?
- ...we would be able to talk with many of those folks after the service?
- ...we were able to pay the bills - and this website cost was always covered?
- ...we would go out and eat and eventually recognize that we had 'obviously' better stop doing that?
- ...we would head out to the fair booth and before we even got it set up again, we would get into some exciting conversations with people about the 'greater commission' versus their false great commission?
- ...those 'wives' would hear what we were talking about with their husbands at the booth and they would suddenly take them right away?
- ...those folks who were thrilled to finally have the Bible make sense to them told us how excited they were - only to never see or hear from them again because they just 'had to show their pastor"?
- ...that pastor got so angry as he tried to use Hebrews to prove all his teachings to his congregation and we just kept refuting him with Paul?
- ...some of you put your time in that fair booth - for those many years - or flew in from 'afar' to help us?
- got involved either painting the church building, planting trees and flowers, replanting those flowers I mowed over, fixing things that I fixed but needed to be re-fixed correctly?
- ...we would sit around the piano and sing?
- ...we would go skunk hunting - and actually finding one - then running like the dickens to stay away from the smell by a few feet as it wafted through the outdoors?
- would turn on your Pal-Talk and find us - only to have audio problems, etc.?
- ...we had enough money to help the ministry AND other people with their needs, etc.?
- ...we could sit down with people and actually talk bible and not get bored - or angry, etc.?
- ...we always thought the 'fall of America towards the global society' would happen in our children's lives, not our own?
- ...the sermons were 45 minutes long - uh, 60 minutes... uh, 90 minutes; never being bored, though - knowing I would repeat what I said if there was a distraction that robbed people of that moment of hearing what I said; waiting for ALL the folks to find the reference in their own Bible; being so interested in the Scriptures that we didn't even care about the time...?
- ... I would actually duck down behind the pulpit whenever I had to say something specific to the women of the congregation?
- ...we had that 'season' of college liberal threats made towards us... so some of our church people would squirm when the barrel of the gun on the pulpit would be looking at them as it laid in-ready on the pulpit.
- ...some of the people moved to the other side of the church, away from the path of the door to me, knowing I am such a lousy shot?
- ...I would redesign, rebuild or even move my office to another room - AGAIN?
- ...we would unload a few million sacks of pellets?
- ...I would stay up through the entire night either working on sermons or emailing back and forth with people around the world as well as from within our own webfamily? (I sure was glad I could type - thanks to my piano playing fingers)
- ...those fair booth people from the years before would come back each year and visit with us and want to hear more?
- ...being weary was an almost welcome part of ministering, a good weary. Now weary is an overwhelming depression. Attacks every turn. from JI
- ...those Bible-believing missionaries who would come by and go into shock when I would tell them and show them about Paul ONLY?
- ...that missionary who came to visit and left in the middle of the night - after he stated he could totally see what I was saying. Either he understood it, quit abusing his wife and took it back to PSR and stayed with the truth, being the bible believer he said he was... or he was a lying spy and couldn't handle the obvious truth? I wonder if he finally got it - it took me 25 years to get it after I first heard it.
- ...I started to fully understand the Dispensation of Grace and I lost my fear that God would do bad things to me if I did something or said something wrong. JG
- ...I started to Rightly divide the KJB and the unspoken questions I had started getting answered. JG
- ...I no longer called myself a 'Baptist' and starting referring to my self as a KJB, Rightly Divided, Believer. JG
My, How Things Have Changed Over the Years, eh!
Visitors to this page since June 2, 2017