Of course, my personal believing and proving of the King James Bible being the ONLY living God's written Scriptures today, as well as believing we should be following Paul as our only apostle thus making Paul's books the only ones we should be hearing preached to us would make me make the following observations of quotes and comments.
The rest of the Bible is there to teach us - but the preaching of application is to be done through Paul only and from a KJB only!
And I must say, that even just entering these quotes onto this page, I get my spirit stirred. These are NOT the quotes and teachings that should be directed to us today. This is nothing but using the fear of the severity of God to try to manipulate your congregation to 'live right' so they can pay your salary and the ministry expenses!
The risen Saviour told Paul to teach to us Gentiles about the GOODNESS OF GOD, not the severity of God, as taught by the 'original apostles' to the Jews Only as found in the gospel books. See Romans 11:22
The rest of the Bible is there to teach us - but the preaching of application is to be done through Paul only and from a KJB only!
And I must say, that even just entering these quotes onto this page, I get my spirit stirred. These are NOT the quotes and teachings that should be directed to us today. This is nothing but using the fear of the severity of God to try to manipulate your congregation to 'live right' so they can pay your salary and the ministry expenses!
The risen Saviour told Paul to teach to us Gentiles about the GOODNESS OF GOD, not the severity of God, as taught by the 'original apostles' to the Jews Only as found in the gospel books. See Romans 11:22
Quotes and Comments Heard from the Pastor or Found in the Church Bulletin:
(each of these could easily be a lengthy sermon or bible study)
(in fact, each of these IS dealt with in a sermon and bible study in the old site - so I will keep these to short comments only)
(each of these could easily be a lengthy sermon or bible study)
(in fact, each of these IS dealt with in a sermon and bible study in the old site - so I will keep these to short comments only)
- "Building Disciples of Christ"
- Why not add the word 'risen'! Building disciples of the RISEN Christ! That would certainly open the door to Paul and today's dispensation for discussion and direction... making real disciples of the risen Christ.
- "Following in the Steps of Jesus"
- This is part of the 'be like Christ' teaching - which is NOT what we are to try to be. That is why Paul says in Romans 11 that this religion today builds conceited people. Be like Christ? You really think you can be like Christ? Seriously? There is another one who wants to 'be like the most High' and you certainly don't want to be like him, do you?
- Besides - to walk in the footsteps of Jesus is mentioned in I Peter 2:21 - For hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that ye should follow his steps: and during the tribulation, they will HAVE to walk that clean life in order to be saved. But today? We are asked to walk like Paul, actually. We are to learn to 'try' to look at Paul's manner of life as we follow Paul as he follows Christ - the risen Christ. To walk like a Christian should walk today is our 'reasonable service,' not a direct commandment!
- "Savior" instead of "Saviour"
- That is a simple and obvious clue to see that a church / pastor is not following the KJB, even if they have one somewhere in their building. Anybody can be a savior, but there is only one SAVIOUR!
- "Turn the other cheek"
- Now that is most definitely to be claimed - but only in the gospels and tribulation. Paul never tells us to turn the other cheek. We can and must stand up for the truth - for the risen Christ - for the KJB. But to turn the other cheek and let it all slide? Use wisdom for the moment, but to turn and run in 'Jesus' name? Never!
- And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. II Timothy 2:24-26
- "Noah is our example of complete obedience - and his fear of God"
- The fear of God in the OT application is to fear the severity of God. The risen Saviour wants us to learn about the goodness of God today - not to fear His severity. Christ paid the price! Christ paid our penalty! Christ became sin for us. Why should we fear God now? Our 'works' will be judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ, not today, anyway.
- Besides - Noah is NOT our example of anything except what a rainbow tells us today. Noah also gave us the beginning of the three races that certainly tell us a lot about music today. (see, another sermon or two... can come from this)
- "God throws challenges at us to help our relationship with Him grow stronger!"
- Wrong! that is just another way to try to explain why your prayers aren't answered in the way you want them to be. What kind of parent would put their kids in a 'disaster' situation - or hurt them - or be recipient of your severity just to get them to be closer to you? I know of parents like that - many are so-called Bible Believer Christians - and believe me, most of those kids leave home and God at their first opportunity.
- This s a horribly bad teaching and is NOT found anywhere from within Paul's books, which means the risen Christ does not teach this to us today.
- "Jesus demands perfect / complete obedience to him!"
- Again - that is tribulation. They had to give that complete obedience in the gospel days - and it was the Jews Jesus was teaching that to... it comes up again in the Tribulation - but NOT today.
- "Being 'positionally' correct with God is about one's salvation only!"
- Sorry, Charlie - this teaches a false gospel. This teaching produces a huge guilt that is not necessary at all.
- "Our daily ongoing work is called 'sanctification.' - God is working in our lives."
- We can learn everyday... but it is not the 'be like Christ' concept of Christ trying to make us like Him. He has already done that, actually. Again, our 'works' will be judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ - not now!
- "Our goal in sanctification is to 'be like Christ."
- uh, no it isn't. see notes and other sermons to disprove this horrible conceit or guilt producing teaching. Again, there is one trying to be like the most High - why should we trying to do the same thing?
- "Our works need to be fixed! God wants to work in us!"
- Of course, but not in the context that all the above quotes are teaching. We learn how to get God active in our lives from reading and responding the rightly divided Scriptures.
- "Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith - that is our goal to have our faith finished" (Hebrews 12:1-3)
- Oops - that is written TO the Hebrews, not to us Gentiles. In fact, Christ has given us HIS FAITH - the faith OF Jesus Christ.
- The faith that needs to be 'finished' is 'their' faith, not 'His. The same was said in Habbakuk as is said during the Tribulation. Their faith will be very important - they will need to have Jesus finish their faith base on their works eventually. Again, this is NOT TO us today.
- "Give your life to Jesus!"
- And where is this stated in the Scriptures? This sounds like the modern hollywood salvation that means everyone can keep their life the way it is - no need to change anything after becoming a Christian. Honestly, this doesn't even make them a Christian, anyway. So in effect, they are giving their life to the devil - who already has their life. Pastors say this stuff to make it 'easier' to respond to an invitation and to 'come on down' and join their church.
- Christ doesn't want our life - he wants us and through His words, He can 'fix our life' so our judgment seat will result in rewards, not fire and smoke.
- "Be Christ-like!"
- "Paul is a 'baiter'."
- "Position and Performance should line up eventually!
- "Take up your cross!"
- During the 'invitation' - "confession needed to rid yourself of the guilt you have in your walk."