All the completed and uploaded spot sermons are available by clicking here.
Future Topics / Verses
While there can be so many more, this is a great start - these are some of my favorite verses!
Now, just to get at it and get them done and uploaded - all the while keeping them short!
(I also would like to think that many of you who have been with me for all these years
already KNOW the answers to these comments and questions and could record your own spot sermon!
If so, make your recording and feel free to send it to me and I will consider uploading it, too!)
While there can be so many more, this is a great start - these are some of my favorite verses!
Now, just to get at it and get them done and uploaded - all the while keeping them short!
(I also would like to think that many of you who have been with me for all these years
already KNOW the answers to these comments and questions and could record your own spot sermon!
If so, make your recording and feel free to send it to me and I will consider uploading it, too!)
- I Thessalonians 2:11 - What makes a good 'dad' to his children?
- II Corinthians 11:4 - Who are these 'another' Jesus's Paul is warning about?
- I Thessalonians 2:12 - What kingdom is your pastor talking about when he talks about growing a kingdom for Jesus?
- Revelation 5:10 - We will rule and reign?
- Psalms 133:1 - The 'pretend' unity in churches today.
- Acts 3:23 – What is the ‘glory of God’ that we come short of?
- Acts 9:23 - Where is the tolerance, acceptance respect etc. to us; the same stuff that they expect us to show to them concerning their beliefs, their bibles, their churches, their pastors, etc.
- Romans 15:19 - Paul did signs and wonders? Yes, and he taught how to 'speak in tongues' as we call it, the Lord's Supper, water baptism, etc. So how can that be? He doesn't teach any of that to us today does he – or does he?
- Romans 16:17; Romans 1:19-23+ - People had to be taught 'away' from the KJB over the years just like they must be taught away from the truth today!
- Acts 26:5 - You can lead someone to a religion today, but you can't lead them to the truth!
- I Corinthians 13:8-13 - This is just how important the King James 1611 Bible is to truth from the Living God today!
- Mark 16:16+ - People are hoping I would 'catch on!' Just what is it they would want me to 'catch on to?'
- Ephesians 1:13 - Just how important is a KJB in one's salvation? or does it even matter?
- Romans 16:17 - The dangers of peas and carrots and no meat (or especially even if the meat is spoiled and poisoned meat!)
- John 3; I John… Quicken vs Born again
- Romans 11:11 - Why don't others want what we know / have? Do we still have that joy we got when we first heard from Paul as 'only'
- II Timothy 3:13 - What does the pastor really mean when he tells you to read, study and then share what you have learned from your Bible? Does he 'really' mean that he wants you to do that? And if you do, then what? You are a divider - you are 'touching the anointed' - shame on you!
- Romans 2:16 - What is 'my gospel' that Paul is talking about?
- II Timothy 1:8 - Are you ashamed of Paul?
- Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19 - What does the RISEN Saviour say about 'worship' and music to us today?
- Revelation 3:9 - What is the Synagogue of Satan?
- "Cling to the Cross" - is that truth? or should we live "Beyond the Cross?"
- II Corinthians 12:9 - How can God's grace be sufficient for us? And our strength be made perfect in weakness? How can those be?
- I and II Corinthians rightly divided!
- I John 3:9 - is NOT true to us today - but that is certainly how the Christian is being taught today. Throw in I John 1:9 and you have an arrogant conceited Christian today, according to Hebrews 11:25. No wonder people want nothing to do with them.
- Galatians 2:16,20 - Faith OF Christ and Faith IN Christ - we must know the difference as it is most important to us today when it comes to encouragement and getting up after one 'falls down.'
- I Corinthians 12 vs Romans 12 about Spiritual gifts yesterday through the 12 apostles compared to today through Paul.
- I Thessalonians 4:8 - All the hate going on today is simple: people hate God and are mad at Him. As a result, they hate Israel; they hate the morals based on Judeo-Christian values; they especially hate KJB and Paul - thus they actually hate the teachings from the Risen Christ that they say they believe, follow and love - thus they hate the Risen Christ. They love the humanism that has grown from the 60's to become the main religion today in the government, schools and family. And it is all because of envy! Proverbs 14:30
- Romans 12:2 - What is reasonable service?
- Matthew 5 - The 'Baloney of the Beatitudes' for today!
- Colossians 2:16 - The Baptists say 'Two Ordinances!" Where does it say that in the Scriptures? Oh, right - it DOESN'T! So we see just another false religious teaching that has nothing to do with the truth!
- Ephesians 4:14 - Define 'children' and see the need for decent and truly saved parents and the dangers of lost relatives, public school, perverted lifestyles, etc.
- I Corinthians 15:33 - See in the realm of evil communications that televised 'laugh tracks' have corrupted our society.
- I Timothy 4:1 - Latter Times vs Last days - Is there a difference?
- All the famously taught, described and honored ''revivals" in America were actually part of the seduction and deception of America, all in the name of Satan, NOT God.
- Romans 11:22 - The severity of God versus the Goodness of God. Which one will "win the world to Christ"? By the way, are we really out to win the world to Christ? Is that a legitimate term / goal?
- Ephesians 3:2 - What is the 'dispensation of the grace of God' and to whom is it directed?
- John 3:16 - The massacring of that verse from the pastors and modern bibles - and misuse by scripture quoters.
- Psalm 138:2b - Something that is even higher than the name of Jesus?
- I Timothy 6 - What God says about your loving and wonderful pastor who 'changes' the words of God, etc.
- II Timothy 2:16 - The real meaning to that verse; NOT what the modern Christian / pastor says... (does that surprise you?) And quite possibly not even what Rightly Dividers have been taught to realize.
- Romans 6:4; I Corinthians 11:1 - You hear it from the 'modern' arrogant Christian and pastor that we are supposed to be "LIKE" Christ - Christ-like, etc.? Seriously? That is a huge false teaching in the churches today. Isn't being 'like' someone really no different than being an imitator?
- II Timothy 2:13 - What your lying, seducing, evil, deceived pastor that you respect, love and follow really mean when he waves his 'bible' and says 'This Book..."!
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